Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Another imaginative application to make use of object- 
relational features is real time tracking of deer location. 
Concerned parties can be notified when deer are crossing 
borders or other areas of interest. The total national park area or 
the upper area 1100 m above sea level can be entered into a 
database table: 
create table AREA. OF. INTEREST ( 
area id NUMBER (2), 
area name VARCHAR2 (50), 
Deer migration can be followed — based on GPS collars - by 
tracking its locations at a fixed interval (e.g. every few seconds), 
and in real-time inserting the records into another table: 
create table DEER. LOCATIONS ( 
deer id NUMBER (3), 
time TIMESTAMP (2), 
In this table time is stored using the SQL type TIMESTAMP, 
which is a high-precision time and date type that allows to store 
fractions of a second (Qian, 2004). Whenever a GPS receiver 
updates its location the current timestamp and location will 
automatically be sent out and inserted into the above table: 
insert into DEER_LOCATIONS values (3, 
to timestamp (17-APR-2004 19:17:21.00^, 
‘dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss.ff”), 
mdsys.sdo_geometry (2001, 82032, 
mdsys.sdo_point_type (4607260.47, 5425484.18, null), 
null, null) 
The query inserts a new record for the location of deer with id 3 
at the specified timestamp. It is possible to insert thousands of 
such records in one second which makes it quite feasible for 
real time tracking of numerous deer. 
Now a database trigger can be implemented that is sparked off 
whenever a new record is inserted into a specific table. In the 
trigger body it can be checked if deer is still within the national 
park resp. within another area of interest. This operation can be 
achieved using the relate function. The query from the trigger 
body to determine if deer is still within the park is: 
select sdo_geom.relate (a.location, ‘ANYINTERACT", 
b.border, 0.5) 
from deer. locations a, area. of interest b 
where a.deer id = 3 and b.area. name like 'nationalpark? and 
a.time ^ (select max (time) from deer. locations where deer. id ^ 
The result of the query is "TRUE' if the deer is still within 
park's borders or ‘FALSE’ otherwise. The subquery returns the 
most current timestamp for the deer with id 3. If a ‘FALSE 
value is returned the trigger can e.g. open an HTTP connection 
and send a message to a Web service outside the database with 
the deer id, the location and the time the deer is crossing the 
border. The Web service can then act accordingly, for example 
sending out emails to the concerned institution or creating 
dynamic maps with the current deer location. 
Let us assume that the deer perambulate special areas once a 
year we can create user-defined object types that represent such 
events as spatio-temporal zones: 
create or replace type ST_ZONE_TY as object ( 
name VARCHARQ2 (50), 
from DATE, 
tll DATE, 
A method can be added to the object type that validates if deer 
location and stopover falls inside such a zone. By this means 
histories and changes to real world objects can be captured and 
managed inside the database. 
Object-relational technology in DBMS helps to model and 
analyze spatial-temporal events as it provides highly flexible 
means for storing, manipulating and validating diverse and 
complex data structures. As for applications in Bavarian Forest 
National Park the real challenge is to understand the 
relationships of the most complex processes at all - those of 
nature - and find definite and describable entities that can be 
part of a database model. Thus it is often useful to extend the 
concept of objects from a conventional point of view to a more 
general sense, so to speak to describe real world scenes (instead 
of objects) that show on their part some correlation with a set of 
commonly used objects. Object views leave existing (relational) 
data models unchanged but can centrally merge miscellaneous 
information of any database model and serve for making use of 
object-relational features in spatio-temporal applications. 
References from Books: 
Loney, K., 2003.  ORACLE?9i: Die umfassende Referenz. 
Carl Hanser Verlag, München Wien, ISBN: 3-446-22170-0 
References from other Literature: 
Bauer, M., 2002. Walddynamik nach Borkenkäferbefall in den 
Hochlagen des Bayerischen Waldes: Dissertation at Lehrstuhl 
für Waldbau und Forsteinrichtung, Technische Universität 
Geringer, D., 2003. Oracle Spatial Best Practices: An Oracle 
Technical White Paper, Dezember 2003 
Lee, G., 2003. Simple Strategies for Complex Data: Oracle 9i 
Object-Relational Technology: An Oracle Technical White 
Paper, October 2003 
Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald, Bayerische Staatsforstverwal- 
tung, 2001. 
und Borkenkäferbefall: Academic series book 14, July 2001 
Plabst, S., 2001. Entwicklung eines objektrelationalen 
Datenmodells für ein kulturhistorisches | Geoinformations- 
system: Thesis at Fachgebiet | Geoinformationssysteme, 
Technische Universität München 
Qian, L., 2004. Oracle Database 10g -- Developing Spatial 
Applications Using Oracle Spatial and Map Viewer: An Oracle 
Technical White Paper, February 2004 
References from websites: 
General Oracle technical resources: http://otn.oracle.com 
Oracle Spatial resources: http://otn.oracle.com/products/spatial/ 
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