Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
One product of the QuickBird Imagery is the so called “Basic 
Imagery" that is close to the original sensor image. The basic 
imagery is a sensor corrected merged image taken by a 
combination of shorter CCD-lines.  DigitalGlobe is 
commercializing it as level 1B and it can be compared with the 
level 1A of Spot images. It is very close to the geometry taken 
by a unique CCD-line of 27552 panchromatic and 6888 
multispectral pixels without geometric distortion. The 
information regarding the focal length differs for the scenes; it 
is in the range of 8835 mm leading the 12 jm pixel size to 
61cm ground pixel size in the nadir. Within the orbit direction 
6900 lines/second are being exposed supported by a Transfer 
Delay and Integration (TDI). The reflected energy is summed 
up not only in one CCD-line but by shifting the generated 
charge in correspondence to the image motion over a group of 
CCD-elements. High frequency attitude motions of the platform 
during image acquisition are removed from the basic imagery 
and only low frequency disturbances remains. Along with the 
images, the ephemeris and the attitude data are delivered. The 
ephemeris data can be used for the orientation of the image by 
making use of the ephemeris data included in the *.eph file with 
respect to a geocentric system and the attitude data included in 
the *.att file represented by four-element quaternions. These 
four parameters describe the attitude of the camera with respect 
to a Earth Centre Fixed (ECF) geocentric system, rotating with 
the Earth. 
DigitalGlobe distributes also two other image products. The so 
called *Standard Imagery" is a projection of the image to the 
rough Digital Elevation Model GTOPO 30 having a point 
spacing of 30" or nearly 900 meters. The panchromatic image 
has a ground pixel size of 61cm. The main disadvantage of the 
GTOPO 30 is its low vertical accuracy. This can range between 
10 to 450 m. Hence it is necessary to carry out a geometrical 
improvement by using an acceptable DEM in addition to the 
use of GCPs for a precise geo-location. 
The other commercialized imagery product is the "Ortho 
Ready". Like the Carterra Geo it is a projection of the image to 
a plane with constant height, available in a cartographic 
projection been selected by the customer. It has the same 
ground pixel size like the Standard Imagery. 
Depending on the type of QuickBird image being handled, 
different orientation models can be used, namely: For Basic 
Imagery, orientation can be done using a) Bundle Approach and 
b) Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPCs). In the case of the 
of handling the Standard Imagery and Ortho Ready Products to 
improve their orientation and geo-referencing the affinity 
transformation based on GCPs including corrections for relieve 
displacement (through DTM) and improvements of the nominal 
collection elevation and azimuth (when justifiable) is the 
recommended procedure. Details regarding this last method are 
explained in details in Büyüksalih G., et all (2003); Jacobsen, 
K., Passini, R. (2003); Passini, R., Jacobsen, K. (2003); Passini, 
R. (2003). 
3.1 Bundle Orientation with Self Calibration 
The Bundle Model is based on the widely known collinearity 
equation in the CCD-line direction. The image position in the 
orbit direction is expressing the change of the exterior 
orientation as a function of the orbit. As aforementioned, the 
exterior orientation parameters of each line image are different, 
but the relationship of the exterior orientation to the satellite 
orbit is only changing slightly. Hence for the classical CCD-line 
cameras, the attitudes are not changing in relation to the 
satellite orbit. Hence for an image it is possible to consider time 
(space) dependent attitude parameters. Taking into 
consideration the general information about the view direction 
of the satellite, the “in track and across track view angles” 
(included within the *.imd-file) and knowing that in a basic 
imagery the effects of the high frequency movements have been 
eliminated, then the effects of the low frequency motions of the 
platform can be modelled by self calibration via additional 
The additional parameters been used by the Hannover 
orientation program BLASPO are checked for numerical 
stability, statistical significance and reliability in order to justify 
their presence and to avoid over-parameterization. The program 
automatically reduce the parameters specified by dialogue to 
the required group by a statistical analysis based on a 
combination of Student-test, the correlation and total 
correlation. This guarantees that not over-parameterization 
occurs. In that case an extrapolation outside the area covered by 
control points does not become dangerous. 
The elimination process is as follows: 
1. For each additional parameter compute: 
TAL M i t niu: 
fi M On a digo fi | , reject if otherwise 
2. Compute Cross-correlation coefficients for the 
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R pui. Rj20.85 then eliminate the parameter with 
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smaller f; value 
3. Compute B = 1 — (diag N * diag N”), eliminate the 
additional parameter that B;; > 0.85 
3.2 Bundle Orientation using Ephemeris and Attitude 
The Camera Sensor Model distributed by DigitalGlobe is such 
that contains five coordinates systems, namely: 
Earth Coordinates (E), Spacecraft Coordinates (S), Camera 
Coordinates (C), Detector Coordinates (D), Image Coordinates 
(1),. Definitions and details regarding these systems can be 
found in DigitalGlobe QuickBird Imagery Products, Product 
The data contained in the Ephemeris File are sample mean and 
covariance estimates of the position of the spacecraft system 
relative to the ECF system. These files are produced for a 
continuous image period, e.g., an image or strip, and span the 
period from at least four seconds before the start of imaging 
after the end of imaging. 
The attitude file contains sample mean and covariance estimates 
of the attitude space craft system relative to the ECF system. 
The instantaneous spacecraft attitude is represented by four- 
element quaternion. It describes a hypothetical 3D rotation of 
the spacecraft frame with respect to the ECF frame. Any such a 
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