Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
CDs or DVDs with photos. These media are not so reliable and 
often files are not readable. If the amount of data is huge, 
replaceable and more reliable hard disks are used. 
The first step in the photogrammetric software is setting up the 
new project. The calibration protocol file has to be created in 
a form according to the software needs. Then other input data 
have to be set, e.g. an attachment of the photos, scanning 
resolution and scan position of photos, the average flight 
altitude or the average terrain height, the file with co-ordinates 
of GCP with accuracy, the file with co-ordinates of projection 
centres and roll, pitch and heading from GPS/INS system with 
accuracy as well, definition of strips and blocks, corrections 
like atmospheric refraction, earth's curvature and lens distortion 
and information about used units. 
Usually many photos are taken in a project even in several 
strips. Therefore the method of aerotriangulation is used to save 
a number of ground control points. Neighbouring photos are 
connected by so-called tie points which are searched for in the 
triple overlap of the photos. Therefore the overlap between two 
photos should be 60% at a minimum to get a suitable triple 
overlap (2096) between every three following photos. The tie 
points can be searched for also automatically. The information 
about co-ordinates of projection centres and rotations is a very 
big help in the automation of tie points searching. The GCP 
have to be picked up exactly on their position on the photos. All 
co-ordinates of measured GCP and tie points with external 
orientation parameters from GPS/INS, whether automatically 
found or manually measured, are used in adjustment — usually 
the bundle block adjustment method. A result from 
aerotriangulation includes adjusted values of external 
orientation parameters, adjusted co-ordinates of GCP and tie 
points with mean square errors to consider an accuracy. 
Afterwards, the epipolar pairs are created to reduce the effect of 
vertical parallax and enable better stereoviewing. The work in 
stereomode includes drawing new lines and points, deleting old 
ones, moving, splitting lines, trimming and other operations. 
A correct interpretation can be worsened by shadows and a low 
contrast between crest and toe and plane areas. Therefore, 
software tools include usually a function of gamma corrections 
and a change of brightness and contrast at photos “on the fly”. 
Figure 4. Example of shadows on orthophoto combined with 
vector data 
For the creation of orthophotos, the raster points from automatic 
correlation are needed to form the digital terrain model. This 
correlation facilitates to search for corresponding pixels in the 
overlap of neighbouring photos and to get their third co- 
ordinate — altitude from their horizontal position on the photos. 
The digital terrain model is made from correlated points and 
points, lines and areas evaluated in stereomode. Sometimes 
buildings and plants are drawn in the height of their roof even 
though they should be on the ground. Belt conveyors are also 
not on the ground. Therefore, for the purposes of the digital 
terrain model the objects which are not on the ground are 
deleted. Only for the purposes of a real orthophoto, the 
buildings should be made as cubes or blocks to remove also 
distortion of them. However, buildings and plants are not so 
important in the case of the open pit mining. 
The colours and contrast can differ from one photo to another. 
Therefore, a colour balancing is necessary. The last step 
includes masking and mosaicing the colour balanced 
After delivering all outputs to the open pit mining company 
a very important step follows. This is the sorting of all data and 
saving all important information on CDs, DVDs, hard disks 
and/or servers. 
Even though a suitability of the use of photogrammetry in the 
open pit mining compared to the conventional measurement is 
still discussed, many examples and projects speak about its 
advantages, e.g. the economic view especially in saving time 
for processing, and sufficient accuracy aspects as well. Also the 
purchase costs have a more favourable rate with the geodetic 
equipment. Compared to past times when big analogous and 
analytic photogrammetric instruments were very expensive, 
nowadays only fast and powerful computers with software are 
needed, that could often be obtained at decreasing prices in the 
last years. Taking photos is still quite expensive, though. But 
costs can be reduced by an economic flight planning which 
combines near located open pits in one flight mission. The costs 
for human power are in photogrammetry lower as well. In the 
terrestrial measurement usually two people are needed, and 
during photogrammetric processing only one person. 
Therefore photogrammetry is a suitable method even in the case 
of large scale photos and high accuracy requirements. All these 
cost reducing aspects suggest the use of photogrammetry in the 
open pit mining evaluation not only for bigger organisations but 
also for smaller open pit mining companies. 
The author is grateful for the support of the company “SST, 
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stoll and Partner, Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH" 
while writing this paper. The company Kalkwerke H. 
Oetelshofen, GmbH & Co., Wuppertal, Germany is gratefully 
acknowledged for providing the photos and data for 
the presentation. Furthermore the author would like to thank 
Dipl.-Geogr. Gerhard Kemper from the GGS company for his 
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