International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004
GIS provides users powerful tool to store, present and analyze
geographical data digitally. In tradition, spatial data are
presented on a paper map with the use of lines, symbols and
color. But in GIS, spatial information have to be geometrically
and semantically stored in a spatial database. The vector format
is by far considered as an easily understood way of storing a
feature semantically as it is.
Traditionally, vector representation has also been the domain of
the network analysis in GIS. The linear network model is
normally defined as a graph G, where G — (N, A) consists of (1)
a finite set N ^ (nj, nj ... , nj, whose elements are called
nodes and (ii) a subset A of the Cartesian product A x A, the
elements of which are called arcs. These two primitives: nodes
and arcs represent the intersections and segments respectively
in a continuous and connected linear network. Due to the
connectivity property of the vector network, the complexities
such as costs, distance, and time can be incorporated in the
model easily. In the following discussions, road network will be
specifically used for explanation because of its popularity in
network application.
The conventional arc-node model is common and widely
utilized to model the complexity of network elements in a
logical way. The reason is clear. In a road network, arcs
correspond to road segments that are the conduits for
transportation and nodes correspond to road intersection
connecting arcs together. This means, a connected network is
consequently resulted to depict the complexities (such as turns,
restrictions and lane information) of transport system no matter
how sophisticated it is. Since the connectivity relationship of
arcs and nodes and turn restrictions are implemented in
attributes tables and turn table respectively, the optimum path
between a source and destination(s) can be derived easily by
traversing the topology of road network. It is just like
performing a "search" operation in a branching tree with a
parent root (the source) and corresponding child nodes
(possibilities of destinations).
2.4 Problems Raised by Conventional Arc-Node Data
As stated in the beginning of this paper, the road centerline is
an "abstract feature" to represent a road network. Therefore,
generating road centerlines or developing the node-arc data
model for network analysis are both important and difficult. It
is important because road centerlines seem to be an essential
element of a transportation network as discussed above; it is
difficult because it involves tedious digitizing work. Although
centerline mapping technologies are evolving rapidly, from
traditional map digitizing to GPS, photogrammetry and remote
sensing, each technology is associated with a performance
range in terms of accuracy or resolution. There are many ways
to model the transport system. Different definitions of roads,
quality requirements or criteria make it difficult to have a
consistent representation of transportation system. According to
Dueker and Butler (2000), there are several GIS data models
used for transportation applications. Prominent examples
include Geographic Data File Standard (GDF), National
Cooperative Highway Research Program 20-27 (NCHRP) and
Dueker and Butler's enterprise GIS-T data model have been
developed for transportation. However, these kinds of
specifications do not lead to consistency due to their definitions
and criteria differ.
Besides, the maintenance of a road centerline is hard. lt is
because the geometry and position of centerline are determined
by the physical geometry of a road shown on a base map. The
changes of physical geometry imply the changes of road
centerline geometry and its related non-spatial attribute data.
These may include node and arc identifiers, impedances and
turns etc. Also, the existing arc-node representation of the road
network results in a huge volume of data model. Especially in a
planar network, the enforcement of a node at every intersection
not only generates more turn possibilities at each junction, but
also creates more arcs and nodes in the network. Take Hong
Kong such a small territory as an example, its planar network
consists of about 40,000 arcs and 30,000 nodes, with as many
as 200,000 turn possibilities. Clearly, substantial amount of
time are required for data input, preparation and validation in
order to maintain a good quality road network and its associated
attribute data.
In addition, the planarity of network does not represent well the
real world properties of transportation networks that contain
features such as “underpass” and “overpass” (Miller and Shaw
2001). Placing an additional node as under- or over-pass
introduces a possibility of turning off the highway which does
not make any sense in the real situation. To restrict those
unrealistic turns, it can be done by assigning infinity impedance
in turntable. However, this approach is an inefficient
With no doubt, data collection and maintenance are always the
most expensive parts of a fully operational GIS. They could
account for 60%-80% of the total cost in terms of time and
money of a GIS project (Longley et al., 1999). Hence, the most
convenient and efficient way to perform GIS analysis is to use
the existing and already well-defined base map features directly,
without attempting to generate a new supplementary data set for
particular purpose. To accomplish this, it is assumed that digital
map features are organized systematically with clear definition.
Associated with user-specified application requirements, these
map features are supposed to be sufficient enough to support
several kinds of application. The following section provides an
illustrative example of finding paths for pedestrians.
As mentioned previously, path finding might alternatively be
computed based on both user-defined relevat spatial features
(c.g. vehicular road, walking path, buildings) of any geometry
and their descriptions (e.g. stairs, turning directions) without the
concept of using the road centerline on either a paper or digital
map. Figure 1 illustrates an example of a digital base map and
its organization/modeling of features in an associated database.
The data structure is simply a product of any national or
regional mapping agency, for no peculiar application. However,
from users’ understanding of a map, they may define the type(s)
of features and attributes relevant to path finding. These will
then form the basis for further computation as described next.
It is cl
stairs, «
zebra «
layer i
steps, 1
street b
Figure ‘