Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
the type of the building. Furthermore, also the outer surface of 
the building, where the heat can emit, plays an important role. 
Depending on the age of the building assumptions on the 
insulation of the outer surface can be made and introduced in 
the estimation of the building-specific heat requirement. 
There are different typologies for residential buildings, for 
which specific heat coefficients are known. These typologies 
classify the buildings by means of size (one-family house, 
multi-family residence) and age. This typology, however, 
describes the characteristics of the buildings on a level which is 
made for human interpretation. Therefore, the main task is to 
set up rules that can infer the building type from a set of 
observable and measurable building characteristics, and thus 
link the mere geometric data with specific heat coefficients. 
Besides geometric information of the building itself, namely 
ground plan and volume, also their relative arrangement among 
each other and to roads have to be taken into account. 
The idea in our approach is to extract the geometric 
characteristics using all available data (cadastral map, 
topographic data, streets, ...). The characteristics relate to the 
building itself, i.e. length, width, width-to-length-ratio, roof 
type, etc. and they regard also the context, i.e. distance to 
neighbouring buildings and roads. We use the given building 
typologies and determine significant characteristics for every 
type. This will be achieved using a Machine Learning 
approach, that automatically derives the discriminating and 
characterising attributes of a given classified data set. 
Furthermore, we will also identify settlement areas with similar 
characteristics using a clustering approach. Based on such a 
settlement typology, the estimation of the heat demand for very 
large areas will be eased. 
The structure of the paper is as follows: after a description of 
the workflow, the building and settlement typology is 
introduced. Then methods for identifying building types and 
settlement types will be presented. Finally, results are shown 
that can be achieved using this method. A summary and outlook 
on future work concludes the paper. 
The way from the raw data to the heat demand consists of the 
main steps. 
l. determination of building volumes 
2. classification into different building types and 
3. calculation of the heat demand using the volume and 
the specific heat coefficient. 
The first step is the determination of building volumes. For the 
determination of building volumes the main data are the laser 
scanning data. But we also have tried out different 
combinations of laser scanning and other GIS data. For the 
following steps the combination of laser scanning and the 
cadastral map is useful. With the attributes from the cadastral 
map it is possible to link additional data with the building 
The next step is to classify the building volumes to different 
building types. Each building type has a specific heat 
coefficient. A lot of preparatory work has to be done because 
there is no direct link between the geometry of the building 
volume and the building types. To do so, the buildings are 
classified into different types according to a given typology, 
using only geometric properties available. 
In the last step the volumes are combined with the specific heat 
coefficient from the building typology. Then the heat demand 
can be calculated and represented in a map. 
For test purposes, the results achieved with the method 
described here are compared with the data from a heat atlas, 
that was available and was acquired with conventional methods. 
A link between our results and the data from the heat atlas is 
possible using the addresses of the buildings which are present 
in both data sets. 
ATKIS LIDAR ALK Heat Building 
| } Atlas Typology 
Volume Volume Volume 
Determination Determination Determination 
s SUE Building 
Building Building Volume —— Link 
Volume Volume with Attributes 
Building Volume 
with Attributes from 
ALK and Heat Atlas 
Classification. 44— ———— ——1 Analysis «— — 
Calculation Enhanced 
Heat Demand 
Figure 1: Workflow to derive heat demand map from 
original spatial data. 
A building typology classifies residential buildings according to 
their size and the age. The used building typology is shown in 
Table 1. Depending on the size and the age each type has a 
specific heat demand. 
From the one-family house towards the large morc-family 
house the buildings become more compact. Therefore the 
specific heat demand is reduced. 
The limits for the building ages relate to different building 
regulations which concern the quality of heat insulation. The 
newer regulations demand better insulation. So newer buildings 
have lower specific heat demands. 
specific heat demand [KWh/m?*a] 
building one- row-house small large 
age family more more 
house family family 
house house 
until 1918 205,5 199,6 187,8 124,4 
1919-1948 206,0 173,2 151,1 168,9 
1949-1957 252,4 162,5 174,9 140,6 
1958-1968 185,3 161,8 179.7 160,4 
1969-1977 155,4 146,2 136,6 139,4 
1978-1984 139,5 133.3 109,0 105,9 
1985-1995 139,5 115,5 81,4 75,8 
1996-2000 105,9 106,2 95,4 86,4 
Table 1: Building Typology. 
One can easily observe that the description of the building types 
only contains information about the heat demand and no 
geometry. For statistical methods this is sufficient because 
cities often have statistics about the types of buildings in their 
town. However, if this is not available, the evaluation has to be 
done m 
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Table 2:

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