Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
precision data is increased. In this way one is able to make use of 
the same information obtained before processing but at a greater 
degree of resolution. Before applying this method however, it is 
necessary to correct radiometrically and to geo-reference the 
images in order to make the relationship between the single 
pixels univocal (figure 2). If however the data has the same 
spatial resolution, a simple co-recording can be carried out. This 
procedure allows for an orientation of one of the two images in 
relation to the other, independently of the reference system in 
which the data is furnished. HSV allows merging of RGB type 
images with panchromatic images, therefore only a limited 
number of bands (three with this method) may be employed. The 
different sensor channels are therefore associated with the three 
basic colours in order to generate an false colours image 
representing a physical reality, such as might be, for example, 
temperature distribution in the upper atmosphere or the rate of 
ground level humidity. This operation requires a good knowledge 
of the data one wishes to use and great care in the choice of 
bands to associate with the three RGB channels. The principle on 
which this algorithm is based is to separate and extrapolate, 
starting from the false colour image, the information relating to 
the intensity (I) to the saturation (S) and to the hue (H). From a 
strictly mathematical point of view, the system of coordinates (I, 
S, H) can be thought of as an Cartesian orthogonal system; given 
that the human eye treats the three components as if they were 
bound by an orthogonal type relationship (Bretschneider and 
Kao, ), and can be written (Pohl, 1998) as follows: 
Lua 3 ond 
41 ive BB Ir 
dp QM 
Vil-|-; 7 ET G 
y. Ys ys Jo | 4 
X: DN 
Hz m 
5= y Gy 
The variables Vi and V2 are only and exclusively used to 
calculate H and S and have no direct connection to the image. 
The first of the three coordinates, that represents the intensity 
(1), is directly related to spatial position in that its value is bound 
to the type of surface analysed, while the coordinates H and S 
supply additional radiometric information by describing its 
composition and degree of absorption. In figure 2 the sequence 
of operations to be carried out is shown synthetically. 
Once the information is deconstructed, it is possible to substitute 
one of the three components with the information contained in a 
fourth ‘channel, which has not undergone any kind of 
transformation. Generally it is the I component to be substituted 
with the intensity value obtained from the higher resolution 
image. Once this operation is completed, one proceeds to invert 
transformation (1) so as to obtain again an RGB type image. 
The formula that allows for such a passage is the following: 
Before starting transformation (2), the information regarding 
saturation and colour (S, H) is opportunely re-sampled by using 
linear type techniques and stretching techniques in order to adapt 
the multi-spectral bands to the band furnished by the highest 
resolution panchromatic sensor. HSV, therefore, is an evolution 
of the IHS algorithm, which has now become a standard in the 
procedure of Image Analysis. 
[impu 1| p En 
; fs Radiometric correction | : 
| Geometric correction | ; 
| Collateral Data 
Figure 2. Flow diagram of operations 
The MODIS sensor (Moderate-resolution Imaging 
Spectroradiometer), was installed by NASA. together with other 
typologies of instruments, for the analysis of the atmosphere, the 
oceans and land above sea level on Terra and Aqua launched 
respectively in 1999 and 2001. These are two of the most used 
satellites for global monitoring of the environment. Figure 3 
shows the diagram of the MODIS sensor. 
MODIS is a spectrometer capable of observing the Earth, with a 
return period equal to 1 — 2 days and using 36 channels (see table 
4). The spectral bands utilised are included between 0.45 and 
14.4 um (21 bands included in the interval of 0.45-3.0 um, 15 
included in the interval of 3.0-14.4 pm) and furnish a spatial 
resolution at the nadir, depending on the band, of 250 m, 500 m 
and 1 Km. 
Thanks to the high number of channels and to short employment 
frequency, this sensor is used for various applications, among 
which the following: 
- Determining different scales of cloud cover 
- Assessing Aerosol concentration 
- Assessing plant cover and soil productivity 
- Estimating snow masses 
- Measuring soil temperature 
- Monitoring fires 
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