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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004
Features Descriptions
ID Unique Identifier
Street Blocks x Building Blocs. V
Type barriers or traffic
islands etc.
Building Blocks ID Unique Identifier N
ID Unique Identifier
Links Lene The Length
(Bridges, zebra- Poly | ag S Ly aon N
crossings etc.) -
The second polygon
Poly2 HE
= ID
ID Unique Identifier
Roads Type Footbridges, steps, N
7 subways etc.
Figure 1(b): Database descriptions
It is clear that the movement of cars is limited to one particular
linear feature road only. But for pedestrians, they are
supposed to walk freely on all walking features (like pavements,
stairs, clevated walkways) and on restricted places of roads (eig.
zebra crossing, traffic light areas). To start with, street block
layer is chosen to be the key layer that presents the basic
movement of pedestrians. Since other walking features such as
steps, buildings, and pavements are all inside street blocks, the
movement within street block is not our main concern here. The
second important features to be considered are the “links”
between street blocks. These “links” could be zebra-crossings,
bridges or subways that enable pedestrians to move from one
street block to another
Figure 2: Example of computing a walking path between À
and B
Suppose a walking path has to be computed between source A
and destination B (Figure 2), the proposed algorithm is to
construct a theoretical shortest line connecting these two places.
All calculations and and analyses are performed with reference
to this theoretical line. This line is a vector which contains not
only magnitude but also direction. The source is always
considered as a from-node whereas the destination is considered
as a to-node. After the direction is determined, the line is then
broken down into several segments by extracting intersection
points between the street block and “link” features. In the same
way, each segment is considered as a directional line where the
direction is the same as the drawn line. By overlaying the start
and end point of each line segment with the polygonal strect
block layer, a list of polygons ID is resulted for further
calculations (Figure 3).
Segment Polygon 1D
From | To
| = Polygon
1 3 3 3 y?
2 3 1 3
3 ; 3 "s
4 ui UM 2
8 2 2 2
Figure 3: Polygon List
The resulting list indicates that to walk from A to B, the
pedestrian is suggested to start at polygon 3, polygon 1 and then
polygon 2. Then the next question is: how to walk across
polygon 3 and 1, then polygon I and 2 on ground? To cross the
road we need to find some features that connect the two street
blocks, such as subways, bridges or zebra-crossings. Hence, the
next step is to obtain the connectivity spatial relationship
between the ‘link’ and street block features. This can be done
by querying the attribute table of the “link” (Figure 4).
B3 Attributes of links
Figure 4: Attribute table of links