Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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Wang Tao, Zhang Yong-sheng, Zhang Yan 
Department of Remote Sensing Information Engineering, Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying and Mapping, No. 66 
Longhai Middle Road, Zhengzhou City 450052, Henan Province,China - wt4289@sina.com; zy4289@sina.com 
Commission IV, WG IV/7 
KEY WORDS: exterior, orientation, pushbroom, estimation, algorithm, accuracy 
The paper presents the combined ridge-stein estimator (CRS) for linear pushbroom imagery exterior orientation, which is severely 
ill-conditioned for the strong correlation among exterior orientation elements of linear pushbroom imagery. The estimator is a new 
biased method combining the ridge estimator and the stein estimator. It can effectively change the ill-conditioned state of linear 
pushbroom imagery exterior orientation process and achieve optimum estimation values through applying different scale 
compression to each least squares estimation component. Its performance is evaluated using one 10-meter SPOT 1 panchromatic 
image and one 2.5-meter SPOT 5 panchromatic image. Experimental results show that the combined ridge-stein estimator can 
effectively overcome the strong correlation among exterior orientation elements and reach high reliability, stability and accuracy. It 
is within one pixel accurate for ground directional points and within one and a half pixels accurate for ground check points. 
The linear pushbroom imagery is widely used in remote sensing 
mapping for its stable geometry and good image quality, such 
as SPOT, MOMS-02, IRS-1C/D and IKONOS images. 
However, the strong correlation among exterior orientation 
elements of this kind image induces normal equation heavily 
ill-conditioned (Gupta, 1997) and severely affects the reliability, 
stability and precision properties of exterior orientation. 
Aiming at solving this problem many researchers have put 
forward different methods, including the incorporation of high- 
correlated elements, the separate and iterative solution of line 
elements and angle elements, the fictitious error equation, the 
ridge estimator (Huang, 1992; Zhang, 1989), the stein estimator 
(Zhang, 1989) and so. But there lie various shortcomings 
among these methods. The incorporation of high-correlated 
elements method only works well when the photography state is 
near to vertical photography. The separate and iterative solution 
of line elements and angle elements method isn't rigorous in 
theory and the orientation precision and iterative times depend 
on the accuracy of initial exterior orientation elements. The 
fictitious error equation method adds great workload and 
demands much ancillary data, such as orbit parameters, satellite 
photo data, and etc. The ridge estimator (Guo, 2002) and the 
stein estimator are both biased methods and can achieve better 
results than those unbiased estimation methods listed before. 
However, the two methods still need improvements. The ridge 
estimator has not a unique solution for it is non-linear to its 
estimation parameter. The stein estimator applies the same scale 
compression to each least squares estimation element without 
considering the fact that each element has different sized error. 
Therefore, in this paper the combined ridge-stein estimator 
(CRS) (Gui, 2002) is proposed up for linear pushbroom imagery 
exterior orientation. The CRS estimator is new biased estimator 
and has never been applied to photography before. 
In the following, after a brief introduction of the CRS estimator, 
focus is put on its application in the linear pushbroom imagery 
exterior orientation, and then experiments are performed using 
one 10-meter SPOT 1 panchromatic image and one 2.5-meter 
SPOT 5 panchromatic image, and finally conclusion is drawn. 
In the adjustment for the unknown X the following 
observation equation can be established, and mean square error 
(MSE) is adopted to assess the accuracy of the estimation value 
X . The smaller the MSE is, the more accurate the estimation 
value is. 
V—AX LUE )s0Co(V)zoiP^ (1) 
MSE(&)- o2 YA, Y. (ee )- x, ) Q) 
where A = coefficient matrix (n row X t column) 
L = constant matrix (n row X 1 column) 
7 — residual matrix (n row X 1 column) 
n = the number of observed values 
t = the number of unknowns 
O, = variance of unit weight 
À, = the ith eigenvalue in the eigenvalue matrix 
The least squares estimation, the ridge estimation and the stein 
estimation for the parameter X are respectively: 

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