Liang-Chien Chen *, Tee-Ann Teo, Yi-Chen Shao, Yen-Chung Lai, Jiann-Yeou Rau
Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan.
(lcchen, ann, ycshao, stzac, jyrau)@csrsr.ncu.edu.tw
Commission WG IV/7
KEY WORDS: LIDAR, Optical, Image, Building, Reconstruction.
This paper presents a scheme for building detection and building reconstruction from LIDAR data and optical imagery. The
proposed scheme comprises two major parts: (1) detection of building regions, and (2) reconstruction of building models. Spatial
registration of LIDAR data and optical images is performed as data preprocessing. Then, at the first stage, a region-based
segmentation and knowledge-based classification are integrated to detect building regions. Once the building regions are detected,
we analyze the coplanarity of the LIDAR raw data to shape the roof. The accurate position of walls of the building is determined by
the integration of the edges extracted from optical imagery. Thus the three dimensional building edges can be used for the
reconstruction. A patented method SMS (Split-Merge-Shape) is employed to generated building models in the last step. Having the
advantages of high reliability and flexibility, the SMS method provides stable reconstruction even when those 3D building lines are
broken. LIDAR data acquired by Leica ALS 40, QuickBird multispectral satellite images and aerial images were used in the
Building modeling is an essential task in the establishment of
cyber city for city planning, management, and various
applications. Building reconstruction may be performed by a
photogrammetric procedure using aerial stereopairs. A number
of researches have shown the approaches of combine data for
building modeling, e.g., LIDAR (LIght Detecting And Ranging)
and aerial image (Rottensteiner and Jansa, 2002), LIDAR and
three-line-scanner image (Nakagawa, ef. al., 2002), LIDAR and
high satellite image (Guo, 2003), LIDAR, aerial image and 2D
map (Vosselman, 2002).
To improve the degree of automation, we propose here a
scheme that integrates LIDAR data and optical images for
building modeling. LIDAR data provide high accurate 3D
points but lack breaklines information. On the contrary, optical
imagery with high spatial resolution provides more accurate
breaklines information than LIDAR data. Moreover,
multispectral imagery is beneficial to identification and
classification of objects, such as building and vegetation. Thus,
we propose to combine LIDAR data and optical imagery, such
as QuickBird multispectral satellite images and high spatial
resolution aerial images, for the building modeling. The
multispectral satellite images provide spectral information for
detecting the building region, and the aerial images provide
texture information for building reconstruction.
The proposed scheme comprises two major parts: (1) building
detection, and (2) building reconstruction. Spatial registration
of LIDAR data and optical imagery is performed as data
preprocessing. The transformation between LIDAR space and
image space is determined before the data fusion. It is done in
such a way that two data sets are unified in the object
coordinate system. Meanwhile, the exterior orientation
* Corresponding author.
parameters of the optical imagery are recovered by employing
ground control points. In the stage of building detection, a
region-based segmentation and knowledge-based classification
are integrated. In the segmentation for surface elevation, the
LIDAR points are resampled to raster form. A QuickBird
multispectral image with is applied in this stage to improve the
spectral information. Then, a 'knowledge-based classification
procedure considering spectral, shape, texture, and elevation
information is performed to detect the building regions. In the
stage of building reconstruction, building blocks are divided
and conquered. Once the building regions are detected, we
analyze the coplanarity of the LIDAR raw data to shape the
roof. Then, we perform TIN-based region growing to generate
3D planes for a building region. The accurate position of walls
of the building is determined by the edges extracted from aerial
images. Thus the three dimensional building edges can be used
for the reconstruction.
A patented method SMS (Rau and Chen, 2003) is then
employed to generate building models in the last step. Having
the advantages of high reliability and flexibility, the SMS
method provides stable reconstruction even when those 3D
building lines are broken. The feature of SMS method allows
incomplete 3D building lines due to occlusions or weak image
The data preprocessing consists of two steps, which are
interpolation of LIDAR data and space registration.
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