Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 Internc 
Abbreviation: NOAA AVHRR Temporal: 1996 - present Agency: National Institute for Space Research - Abba 
Long Name: NOAA Advanced Spatial: South America INPE Long 
Very High Resolution Radiometer | Resolution: 0.5km — 1km URL: http://www.cptec.inpe.br/ Direc 
Common Uses: Sample: Refle 
e investigation of clouds : / sedan ry Com 
e  land-water boundaries | 
e snow and ice extent 
e ice or snow melt | 
inception | 
e day and night cloud 
distribution : 
e temperatures of 
radiating surfaces 
e sea surface temperature 
Abbreviation: MODIS Temporal: 2002 - present Agency: National Institute for Space Research - 
Long Name: Moderate Spatial: South America INPE 
Resolution Imaging Resolution: 250, 500 & 1000 meters URL: _http://www.cptec.inpe.br/ | ers 
Spectroradiometer Sample: Abbr 
Common Uses: terrestrial, Long 
atmospheric, and ocean Com 
phenomenology for a wide and ; 
diverse community of users 
throughout the world 
Abbreviation: Odin SMR Temporal: 2001 - present Agency: Swedish National Space Board (SNSB), 
Long Name: Odin Sub-mm Spatial: global CSA, CNES, TEKES 
radiometer Resolution: 1.5 - 3km vertical URL: http://www.ssc.se/ssd/ssat/odin.html 
Common Uses: resolution 
*  stratospheric chemistry Abbr 
e global climatology Long 
e atmospheric dynamics Ozon: 
Abbreviation: Odin OSIRIS Temporal: 2001 - present Agency: : Swedish National Space Board (SNSB), 
Long Name: Odin Optical Spatial: global CSA, CNES, TEKES 
Spectrograph and Infra-Red Resolution: 1.5 - 3km vertical URL: http://osirus.usask.ca/ 
[Imaging System resolution Sample: 
Common Uses: "1 - BH. 
® stratospheric chemistry 4| | > 
® global climatology ; | Cin 
e atmospheric dynamics P1 [m 
s] L du. ber 
i IE 
Ozone Height Profile 

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