Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

nbul 2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
rch - Abbreviation: POLDER Temporal: 1996-2003 Agency: CNES 
Long Name: POLarization and Spatial: global URL: http://smse.cnes.fr/POLDER/index.htm 
Directionality of the Earth's Resolution: Sample: 
Reflectances 6x7 km at nadir (swath: 2400 km) 
Common Uses: 
e Aerosols 
e Earth Radiation Budget 
e = Water vapor 
e Clouds 
e Land surfaces 
e Ocean Color 
rch - 
Abbreviation: ODIN Temporal: 1991 - 2002 Agency: IPSL / CNES 
Long Name: ODIN Spatial: global URL: http://ether.ipsl.jussieu.fr 
Common Uses: Resolution: 1.5 — 3km vertical Sample: 
e Atmospheric chemistry | resolution 
e observation of O;, CIO, 
N50, HNO;, H;O, H;0; 
molecules spectral lines 
Abbreviation: ERS GOME Temporal: 1995 - present Agency: German Aerospace Center (DLR), World 
Long Name: ERS-2 Global Spatial: global Data Center 
Ozone Monitoring Experiment Resolution: vertical: 1,3 km; URL: http://wdc.dlr.de/index.html 
Common Uses: value-added horizontal 2,7 by 2,3 deg Sample: 
| global products from GOME, : Ozone Volume Mixing Ratio at 56 hPa Sep 17, 2003 
covering ozone, nitrogen, 30 CTM ROSE Southern Hemisphere 
halogen, sulfur, hydrogen and 
carbon-containing compounds 
UKMO Analysis / Assimiláted GOME O3 
2 Version 1.07 Preliminary 

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