Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 Interr 
Abbreviation: ENVISAT ASAR | Temporal: 2002 — present Agency: European Space Agency Lor 
Long Name: ENVISAT Spatial: global URL: http://earth.esa.int/services/catalogues.html , Dire 
Advanced Synthetic Aperture Resolution: from 30m depending on | URL: Ref 
Radar instrument mode http://earth.esa.int/helpandmail/help order.html Cor 
Common Uses: Sample: e 
e ocean wave : > 
e ocean mesoscale e 
features ° 
e sea ice extent and 
e snow and ice sheet 
e surface topography 
e land surface properties 
e surface soil moisture PRL 
e wetland extent Abl 
e deforestation and extent Lor 
of desert areas Oil Spill near Spain (Dec. 2002) y öl 
e disaster monitoring Sat 
(flooding, earthquake, Cor 
oil spills) : 
Abbreviation: ENVISAT Temporal: 2002 - present Agency: European Space Agency : 
AATSR Spatial: global URL: http://earth.esa.int/services/catalogues.html . 
Long Name: ENVISAT Resolution: 1km URL: 
Advanced Along Track Scanning http://earth.esa.int/helpandmail/help_order.html . 
Radiometer Sample: . 
Common Uses: . 
e sea surface temperature . 
e vegetation biomass 
e vegetation moisture . 
e vegetation and growth 
stage . 
AATSR - California Fires, Oct 2003 BUN 
Abbreviation: MODIS Temporal: 2002 - present Agency: National Institute for Space Research - Om 
Long Name: Moderate Spatial: South America INPE 
Resolution Imaging Resolution: 250, 500 & 1000m URL: http:/Avww.cptec.inpe.br/ 
Spectroradiometer Sample: 
Common Uses: terrestrial, 
atmospheric, and ocean 
phenomenology for a wide and 
diverse community of users 
throughout the world. 

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