Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Meteorology (Portugal), University and Technological 
University of Wien (Austria), EARS (the Netherlands), and 
Universities of Bonn and Karlsruhe (Germany). 
CSP aims at demonstrating pre-operational capabilities of 
production of a series of biogeophysical parameters in scveral 
fields : vegetation, radiative budget at surface level, fire and 
water bodies, soil moisture, and precipitation. 
There is a strong complementarity between CSP and the Land 
SAF (Satellite Application Facility) funded by Eumetsat. The 
Land SAF products are adapted to real time operational 
meteorology needs, and are centered on the operational 
application of meteorological sensors : MSG (Meteosat Second 
Generation), EPS (European Polar Platform). The service 
implementation is in progress at the Institute of Meteorology 
(Portugal). Whereas CSP products are adapted to GMES service 
needs (see below), with an emphasis on differed time products, 
including the production of historical series. Also, the 
multisensor character is an important feature of CSP. However, 
the location of the future service implementation of CSP is still 
to be defined. 
3.2 Users 
The main users of CSP are the GEOLAND global 
Natural Carbon Flux is dealing with the global assimilation of 
remote sensing data for monitoring water & carbon fluxes on 
land. Its main products are the daily terrestrial biospheric CO2 
and water fluxes at the soil-vegetation-atmosphere interface, 
globally at 0.5? resolution. The end users are international 
organisations in charge of assessing the carbon balance and 
consulting political decision makers (IGBP, IGOS-P, PIK, 
Food Security & Crop Monitoring produces crop production 
assessments for Europe and regions of Central Asia and China, 
as an input to Food Security Services and trade policies. The 
end users are FAO, and EU General Directorates for 
Agriculture and Aid in Cooperation (DG Aid Co). 
Land Cover & Forest Change produces decadal-seasonal 
indicators for change and degradation of land cover & forests. 
The end users are international partners of the EU that 
implement their own environmental monitoring system (FAO, 
UNEP), and decision makers for services with responsabilities 
in policy orientation, project management and environmental 
reporting in the regions covered by the obervatory (DG Aid Co, 
The other users of CSP belong to the science community. 
Contacts have been undertaken with a variety of groups, 
including LSCE, CNRM (France), MPI Jena, MPI Hamburg, 
PIK (Germany) CTCD (England), University of Louvain 
(Belgium), University of Valencia (Spain), and others. 
In the mid-term, it can be envisaged that CSP could play a role 
analogous to the International Satellite Land Surface 
Climatology Project (ISLSCP) and beyond address large 
scientific organisation needs, such as IGBP, GEWEX or GTOS. 
3.3 Structuration 
CSP is built by integration of existing efforts, at the operational 
level, since the CSP consortium includes VITO and IM 
Portugal both experienced in operational processing, and at the 
project level, since the results of previous and ongoing related 
projects such as FPS / CYCLOPES, FP5 / ELDAS, ESA / DUP 
/ GLOBCARBON are considered as assets in the CSP project. 
Network of Thematic Competences 
Biogeochemical Parameter 
Core Service 
Network of 
Expertise Center 
Operations | 
Figure 4. Network concept 
The CSP consortium gathers both service providers (MEDIAS- 
France, VITO, EARS, NOVELTIS, IM Portugal) and research 
groups (U. Wien, TU Wien, U. Bonn, U. Karlsruhe, Météo- 
The CSP project aims at prototyping a Network of Thematic 
Competences, including a Core Service tightly linked to 
upstream research, with fast and efficient feedback cycle loops 
between research and operations (Figure 4). 
3.4 Development logic 
The development plan (Figure 5) has been conceived in such a 
way that a product portfolio be available as soon as possible, so 
that the main users (global Observatories) and the providers can 
enter a feedback loop in the product development cycle. 
The products offered by CSP have different levels of maturity. 
For the more mature products, the date of availability of a first 
version of the products has been set to the end of 2004. This 
date has been shifted to mid-2005 for products which 
necessitate more research and development activities. 
At the end of the project, a demonstration of pre-operational 
capability for each product line should be made. 
Surface reflectance [ovetonmont $ Consolidation & 
Jevi 3prnerit e : 
ae DLR flux iu ^ Validation & 
1* suite of Production of Fre-operational service 
Burned areas Extended ; 
products 1 : preliminary - + Demonstration 
Water Bodies duct production in 
3 roducts 
Soil moisture (ERS) P time and space 
Consolidation & Pre- 
LST Development & ; ; 
2% suite of DSR Prod > Validation & operational 
om roduction o x 
products - ne : Extended production service 
Soil moisture (AMSR) | preliminary products : 
intime and space demonstration 
Figure 5. Development plan 

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