Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
The objective is to generate a global DSR product from the 
fusion of geo-stationary meteorological satellites and polar 
sensor systems. The global cover at mid latitudes will be 
ensured by all available geo-stationary satellites: METEOSAT- 
7 for Europe and Africa, METEOSAT-5 for the Indian Ocean, 
GMS-5 for Japan and Australia, GOES-10 over the Pacific 
Ocean, GOES-8 over Americas. The zonal gap between 
METEOSAT-5 and GMS-5 should be filled in by both the 
Indian INSAT satellite series and the Chinese FY-2 satellite 
series. The sun-synchronous satellite NOAA/AVHRR covers 
the adjacent polar regions. The high frequency of measurements . 
by the geo-stationary instruments allows to yield a product on 
the hourly basis. 
bSSF in W/m* 
Figure 9. Simulated DSR flux over the MSG disk area. 
45 Downwelling Longwave Radiation Flux 
The Down-welling Long-wave Radiation (DLR) flux (W.m-2) 
is defined as the thermal irradiance reaching the surface in the 
thermal infrared spectrum (4-100 pm). It is determined by the 
radiation that originates from a shallow layer close to the 
surface, about one third being emitted by the lowest 10 meters 
and 80% by the 500-meter layer. 
It is a particularly difficult parameter to retrieve since it cannot 
be directly measured by satellites. However, Radiative Transfer 
Models (RTM) may be used to estimate DLR from atmospheric 
profiles (temperature and humidity), if the cloudiness is known. 
Figure 10. Land SAF DLR flux output product for MSG full 
disk 12.02.2003 - 12 UTC 
The strategy consists in using conjointly satellite images from 
METEOSAT and NOAA to derive cloudiness, and two-meter 
air and dew point temperatures and precipitable water contents 
from ECMWF weather forecast data in RTM bulk empirical 
4.6 Land Surface Temperature 
The land surface temperature (LST) is defined as equivalent to 
the surface emitted radiance in the field-of-view of the sensor, 
according to Planck's law. The surface emitted infrared 
radiance is determined by "atmospheric correction" of the top 
of atmosphere radiance measured by the satellite in the 12 um 
window range. The atmospheric correction takes the reflected 
part of the down-welling radiance and the attenuation of the up- 
welling radiance in the atmosphere into account. 
ji BE TEE a4 
Time of maximum temperature 
.s WEE Em BE TREE 45 
Temperature end of night Diurnal Temperature Amplitude 
(°C) (°C) 
Figure 11. Land Surface Temperature indicators representatives 
for August 1996, derived from METEOSAT. 
LST is retrieved from METEOSAT thermal infrared channel 
images using a neural network. METEOSAT is the only 
satellite that provides infrared measurements over Africa and 
Europe that resolves the diurnal wave of LST (Figure 11). The 
disadvantage of METEOSAT is that only one infrared channel 
is available. Thus established LST (and Sea Surface 
Temperature) determination methods like  split-window 
technique can not be used and the atmospheric state can not be 
derived from METEOSAT data. The atmospheric situation (i.c. 
the temperature and moisture profiles) are taken from ECMWF. 
The physics of the atmospheric correction of a single infrared 
channel is the following: Calculate the expected satellite 
measurement for a reasonable range of land surface 
temperature, surface elevation and emissivity for the actual 
profiles and viewing angle — this constitutes the forward 
calculation of atmospheric radiances. The LST is then 
determined by interpolation to the actual satellite measurement 
(this is the inversion of the forward calculation) for profiles 
around the current pixel and horizontal interpolation of the 
atmospheric correction at the surrounding pixels. 
4.7 Soil Moisture 
A database of soil moisture products is derived from active 
microwave measurements (ERS-1/2 scatterometer). One 
parameter of the database is the topsoil moisture content 
(surface wetness). The topsoil moisture is a relative measure of 
soil moisture in the first 5 cm of the soil ranging between 0 and 
100 representing the degree of saturation. The other parameter 
is the Soil Water Index (SWI). The SWI is a relative measure of 

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