Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

ibul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
[15] http://www.msss.com/mgcwg/mgm (accessed 2003) 
[16] http://tes.asu.edu (accessed 2003) 
Basically, a quantification of distortions that occur to a map 
projection is given through Tissot's indicatrix. The semi-major 
axes h and k of this infinite ellipse give the scales along 
projected meridians and parallels and the areal scale 
accordingly. GRASS considers these distortion scales for the 
simple cylindrical database projection, which is a representation 
of the spherical coordinate system. Therefore, it provides error- 
free distance and area measurements. Taking a sphere, such 
scales of a cylindrical projection are [12, formulae (4-2), (4-3)]: 
1 dy 
en (0) 
r do 
k |: dx Q) 
* rcosq dA 
where h, k, — spherical distortion scales 
r = spherical radius 
¢ = latitude 
A = longitude 
X, y 7 map projection coordinates 
Since we use planetocentric latitudes that parameterize an 
ellipsoidal surface, the effective scales of such a projection have 
to be given for a biaxial ellipsoid. These scales read [12, 
formulae (4-22), (4-23)]: 
a — equatorial axis of the ellipsoid 
e = eccentricity of the ellipsoid 
¢ = latitude (any type) 
(9, = planetographic latitude 
À = longitude 
Following that, a quantification of errors within GRASS 
measurements can be given by the relation of the ellipsoidal 
scales and the corresponding spherical ones that are considered 
anyway. With the derivation of planetocentric with respect to 
planetographic latitude [12, formula (3-28)]: 
«ii eo je e (5) 
where ©, = planetocentric latitude 
these relative scales become: 
h r à , 5 3/2 COS” @, 
He Senne‘ sin? o, ) eos os (6) 
Boal cos” @, 
k r a 1/2 COS, 
k'= — sod me Sin 0.) vos de (7) 
k. à COS Q, 
2 : 3 
[^ qe. p cos @ 
sche? sin? o, ) x (8) 
a cos” @, 
While h' and k^? give the extreme values of distance 
measurement errors in meridian or parallel direction, s' is the 
deviation of areas (Fig. 2). These parameters — even that in 
/2 5 12 ; . 
(-e? sin” @ |^ dy (i-e? sin’ y dy de parallel direction — solely depend on latitudes and not on 
g E ; 
h, = = — = = — — (3) longitudes. 
al -e] do, all -e!J de de, 
(I e? sin? y dx For Mars, the scales h’ and k^ are almost equal (but not 
k, = ne (4) identical — the difference would scale up with larger 
25089, dA eccentricity). Therefore, distance measurement errors within 
GRASS do not depend on azimuth in this case. 
where h,, k, — ellipsoidal distortion scales 
[p mS — Distance Deviation (h',k') eer ee 
10: = I — Area Deviation (s') oT 
g 05 
0.0 - 
-0.5 T + T T T 
-90 -75 -60 -45 -30 -15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 
Latitude in [Degree] 
Figure 2. Overview of the error values for Mars, if ellipsoidal planetocentric latitudes are assumed to be spherical. Body definitions 
follow the TAU 2000 conventions as given by table 2. 

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