Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Hough transformation. They are then finally verified using 
template matching. 
In the case of small impact craters, which are classified by 
measuring their ROIs' size, the Rols are directly fitted to an 
optimal ellipse without any further processing. 
- quwetobeo o a nme 
aw image De 
p Selection of RO! (Region of interest) i 
C eLeM 7 and local edge detection i 
= 1 
Edge c 
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[nF zi 3 Preliminary crater edge selection by |. : 
angle I edge direction analysis T 77 
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Formation of primitive arcs | 
| Organization of Arcs | 
been ln a e menie mete m oim 
-——— — — — — bPQ——-—————— 
IF size of ROI 
* threshold 
Primitive ellipse formation and 
fitness check 
| ! 
| | Rim refinement Le 
I 1 1 
I il i 
Predefined |. |. | 
template T 
Meu mm — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 
1 Verification by template | 
Figure |. Overall work flow and processing steps 
2.1 Focusing 
When applying the first stage, there are usuallye too many 
connected edge segments in an optical image. For example, 
hundreds of edges appear in a single MOC image even on a 
relatively flat area. Therefore it is impossible to apply these 
algorithms to these edges to drive crater shape. A focusing 
strategy using the GLCM and edge direction analysis is used 
here to reduce the search space. 
At first, an edge is localized by it's ROI, which is defined 
through GLCM texture classification. Then within a localized 
edge area, edge thresholding is applied. 
However, extracted edges usually include not only crater rims 
but also shadow boundaries. As seen in Figure 3, which is 
generated from a generalised 3D crater using a Phong shading 
model, four different shading regions can be defined and the 
boundaries of each shading form double structured edge lines. 
The real crater edge is usually the boundary between the 
illuminated and shadowed areas. 
Widéden eds Time 
Figure 2. Edge formation geometry in specific illumination 
(a) Simulated image using 
hill shading for a crater DTM 
model using a Phong shading 
model Solar Evevation 745^, 
Solar Azimuth=0°) 
(b) Detected edges from 
image (a) 
Figure 3. Simulated crater image and edges 
The analysis of edges in these four regions by looking at the 
directional properties shows that the centre point of the crater 
rim part should satisfy the following condition. 
= (1) 
+ 3 
where 6 = sun azimuth angle, 
Q-edge direction of centre point 
Additionally the extent of one crater edge rim is limited by 
P.-1WM2<HP<O,+ M2 (2) 
where o , — edge direction of centre point , 
9 —edge direction of crater rim 
assuming that there are no hidden edge lines from erosion or 
other illumination effects. 
The detection of preliminary crater edge can be simply 
implemented by rotating the edge mask or a algorithms 
discussed below. 
At first, the marginal degree of the central peak is defined in 
individual ROIs by (3), 
De 2m (3) 
"  0.5max(Dx, Dy) 
where Dx = X dimension, 
Dy =Y dimension of connected component 
so that if the thresholded part includes edge segment, which 
satisfy (4) 
Q.*9 «99.94 (4) 
where q ,. edge direction of centre point. 
Then we can define this as a preliminary crater rim edge. 
Then re-arranging all of the edge pixels with r (estimated centre 
from initial conic fitting) and « space after finding the 
maximum intensity point in each « , interval to detect seed 
points. By applying region growing with these seed points using 

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