Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
pixel in image space and is in the range of the measurement 
accuracy of the initial DTM. With this knowledge we conclude 
that the observed area seems to be a Lommel-Seeliger rather 
than a Lambert surface. The analysis with image 334, assuming 
Lommel-Seeliger, does not converge. Reasons for this 
behaviour are discussed in section 3.3. 
From one image the scale factor between image and object 
coordinate system cannot be determined. Therefore, we fix one 
DTM-height at the boundary of the observed area as constant, 
to guarantee the determination of absolute DTM-heights. The 
reason for choosing a boundary position is, that if there is 
height information for the regarded surface, then these height 
values come in all probability from the neighbouring region 
with sufficient texture computed by means of image matching. 
To demonstrate that the algorithm is independent of the chosen 
position of the introduced absolute DTM-height, we carried out 
analysis no. 3 (table 1) with two other heights. Analysis no. 5 is 
computed with a constant height at the centre and analysis no. 6 
with a height at the middle of an edge. The normally used 
constant DTM-height lies at a corner of the observed area. 
Figure 3. Resulting DTM; g_ 335 (height-exaggeration factor 2x) 
Figure 3 shows DTM, i3¢ of analysis no. 3. A comparison of 
the orthoimage and the model grey values, both computed with 
the initial DTM, and the model grey values, computed with 
DTM,s 33s, is shown in figure 4. 
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Figure 4. Image 338: orthoimage (l.), model grey values of 
initial DTM (m.) and of DTM, s, 5s (r.) 
In the model grey values of the initial DTM, vertical striping 
effects along the measuring directions of the operator can be 
seen. This demonstrates that the manually measured DTM is 
not of high accuracy. The resulting DTMijs, 3s corresponds 
much better to the orthoimage (figure 4 left and right), although 
a few visible structures in the images, such as craters and 
valleys, are not visible in DTMijs, sss. In a comparison of an 
enlargement of the model grey values of DTMis, 338 and the 
same enlarged area of the orthoimage (figure 5 centre and right) 
some blobs and grid structures are visible. The grid structures 
are an indication, that the chosen meshes of the geometric 
surface model may not be sufficiently small. We are still 
investigating possible reasons for the visible blobs. 
à : Lado M = A E i E a 
Figure 5. Model grey values of DTMi s 33s (1.), enlargement of 
marked area (m.) and same area in orthoimage (r.) 
3.3 Error diagnostics 
In this section we go into the matter of the non-convergence 
using image 334 assuming Lommel-Seeliger reflectance. A 
comparison of the orthoimage and the model grey values 
calculated with the initial DTM (figure 6) shows, that the grey 
value differences are extremely large. The model grey values 
are 22 percent darker than the observed grey values. This is 
probably a reason that the algorithm computes wrong 
DTM-heights and diverges. 
Figure 6. Image 334: orthoimage (1.), model grey values (r.) 
The following causes are possible reasons for the large grey 
value differences: 
e incorrect radiometric calibration of image no. 334 
e assumption of a wrong reflectance model 
With the given information there is no way to separate these 
effects from each other. The only possibility is to adjust the 
observed values to the model using a simple mathematical 
transformation without investigating the physical meaning. To 
compensate the encountered radiometric problems a change of 
the grey values in image 334 as described in table 2, is carried 
Mean model grey value G Mean grey value of orthoimage g 
[W:sr'm?] [W:sr m^] 
05 eee __ 4.20 
Ga Mg 
Modification Offset a) [W:sr-m?] Scalefactorm ——— 
mL. 098 08 
m2 2.06 0.29 
Table 2. Modification parameters for image 334 
The first modification method ml is a change of the grey values 
in image 334 with only a scale factor. The second variant m2 is 
a linear accommodation of the grey values. The simplest 
concept, only an offset, is not uscful, because due to the fact the 
G is a linear function of Ar (see equation 4) after using the first 
iteration the correction of the unknown reflectance coefficient is 
the same as the offset computed a priori. Table 3 shows the 
results computed with the modified image 334. 
The computation diverges if we use only the scale factor. If we 
use the linear change, the algorithm converges. In comparison 
to the analysis with image 338 the result with image 334m2 is 

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