Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote 
Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
and 52653629. where it was necessary to use older values to get 
a reasonable solution). This better a priori camera station 
information should result in a better solution, particularly since 
we do not adjust the exposure epoch or spacecraft position. 
Solutions using this new information do indeed show at least a 
5% lower overall RMS, changing (in image space) from 17.8 
um to 16.9 um. 
New camera reseau-finding procedure. An improved 
algorithm has been created in the USGS ISIS (Eliason, 1997: 
Gaddis, et al, 1997; Torson and Becker, 1997; also sce 
http://isis.astrogeology.usgs.gov/) software for determining the 
locations of the reseau marks on VO images. In the cases 
where we have the original RAND and USGS pixel VO image 
measurements of control points (which is the case for 77,225 
measurements), these new locations have been used to 
recalculate (mm) control point locations in the image plane 
prior to adjustment. In addition, a number (329) of 
measurements of control points near the edges of the images 
and outside the available reseau information (and therefore of 
questionable value) have been removed. Solutions with these 
changes show a 4% lower overall RMS, changing from 16.9 um 
to 16.2 um, although some of this decrease is simply due to a 
reduced number of observations. 
The radii of all 37,652 control points (Figure 1) have been 
derived by interpolation of a MOLA global radii grid (see 
http://Awufs.wustl.edu/missions/mgs/mola/egdr.html). The 
MOLA radii should be accurate to ^10 m vertically and =100 m 
horizontally (Neumann, et al., 2001). This procedure has been 
iterated a number of times so that as changes are made in the 
solution, or new data are introduced and new horizontal 
coordinates are derived for control points, new a priori radii 
information is obtained from the MOLA dataset. Again, that 
there is an improvement in using the MOLA data in these 
successive steps is shown by an 11% decrease in the overall 
control network solution RMS. 
Measures from additional images are included. Measures 
of 52 images that were used in MDIM 2.0 but not rigorously 
included in the previous RAND adjustment for MDIM 2.0 have 
now been included in this solution. There are 406 such 
measurements of 203 control points on 102 images (including 
the new images and images that overlap them). 
Horizontal positions of a number of control points have 
been fixed to MOLA-derived values. This in effect provides 
equally spaced “ground control” for Mars globally. Our 
procedure was to match high resolution MOLA DIMs (as 
derived by Duxbury) with VO images, and measure the 
positions of existing and new control points on both. Such 
measurements were made using an annulus cursor centered on a 
crater rim in order to avoid parallax problems in measuring the 
position of the center of a crater. In the network solution, the 
latitudes and longitudes of these points, as derived from the 
MOLA DIMs, were held fixed. A grid of such points has been 
measured globally on Mars, with 15° latitude and 30° longitude 
spacing. Some additional points were also measured on the 
area to the west of Olympus Mons, due to the difficulty of 
finding suitable points on both the MOLA DIMs and on Viking 
images in this area of mantled terrain (Figure 2). We have 
assumed that at the locations of these points the horizontal 
positions are therefore similar in accuracy to the inherent 
accuracy of the MOLA DIMs, or about 100 to 200 m, with most 
of the uncertainty resulting in the correct measurement of the 
VO images and the MOLA DIMs. The accuracy will obviously 
be less as one moves to areas away from these MOLA tie 
points, but we are planning to verify (below) that the horizontal 
positional accuracy does not degrade substantially from these 
Existing and new image measurements have been verified. 
Measurements with solution residuals having pixel values over 
4-5 Viking-sized pixels (85 pixels/mm) were carefully checked 
in order to reduce such residuals. In the final solution, the 
largest measurement residual was less than 4.7 pixels. Out of 
90.130 measures, cumulatively only 31 measures had residuals 
over 4 pixels, 553 over 3 pixels, 3,423 over 2 pixels, and 25,590 
over | pixel. This is in comparison to previous (RAND) 
solutions where the largest residuals were about 7.5 pixels. The 
last RAND solution, with 88,325 measures, had 2 measures 
with residuals over 7 pixels, 4 over 6 pixels, 21 over 5 pixels, 
140 over 4 pixels, 883 over 3 pixels, 4.326 over 2 pixels, and 
26.531 over 1 pixel. Many measurements have been redone, 
while others have been removed from the solution in cases 
where it was felt the control point in question could not be 
adequately remeasured (e.g. because of a poorly defined 
feature, a low contrast image, or a point near the edge of an 
image) We additionally prepared large-area test MDIM 2.1 
mosaics based on our solutions, which were carefully examined 
for any problems. We added MOLA-derived contours to these 
mosaics (Figure 3 shows an example using the final MDIM 2.1 
mosaic) to check the registration of the mosaic to the MOLA 
data. In cases where the registration showed differences (at the 
more than a few hundred meter level) or in cases where there 
appeared to be any misregistration of VO images with each 
other. we made additional image and MOLA control point 
measurements, and improved the solution with these 
measurements in order to eliminate the problems. This process 
was repeated using the final solution and MDIM 2.1 mosaic, 
and no significant differences were seen in the registration of 
MOLA contours with features on the mosaic. 
We still plan to do additional checks on the overall 
horizontal accuracy of the control network by checking the 
locations of additional MOLA tie points and also of the Viking, 
Pathfinder, and MER landers (whose horizontal positions are 
also known to high accuracy via spacecraft tracking (Folkner, et 
al. 1997: Golombek and Parker, 2004a, 2004b)). This will be 
done not by fixing their coordinates in the control network 
adjustment, but rather by comparing their solved-for 
coordinates with the known locations. 
The final MDIM 2.1 Mars control network solution 
contains 90.130 measurements of 37,652 control points on 
6.371 images. Of these measurements, 77,621 are on 5.317 VO 
images, whereas 12,509 of the measurements are on 1,054 
Mariner 9 images, as a carry-over from the original RAND 
networks. The Mariner 9 image measurements had generally 
lower residual values than the highest residual VO image 
measurements, so were maintained in the solution both to add 
geometrical strength and also to allow for the production of 
updated Mariner 9 camera pointing information. A total of 
1,232 control points were tied to MOLA DIM tiles, and it is the 
coordinates of these control points that were held fixed (to the 
appropriate MOLA-derived latitude and longitude). The 
solution RMS is 15.8 um or about 1.3 Viking pixels. 
We have completed a new global Mars control network, 
extending earlier work done at RAND and USGS. This new 
network is consistent with the IAU/IAG 2000 Mars body-fixed 
reference system, and in particular, topography derived from 
MOLA data in that system. The overall accuracy of positions 
derived is expected to be similar to that of MOLA in both the 

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