Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
images within the overlapping regions so to minimize the 
loss of high resolution image information. In addition, 
illumination conditions varied from image to image, and 
image brightness had to be adjusted to avoid visible seams. 
Both, map projection and mosaicking software, originally 
developed at DLR (Scholten, 1996), are currently improved 
for the upcoming data processing of the Cassini-ISS 
images.These digital image mosaics will be released in PDS 
4. MAPS. 
The printed maps for the above-named satellites were 
produced taking the controlled photomosaics as a basis. 
They conform with the layout of the USGS maps (Map |- 
1921, 1-2155, 1-2156, 1-2157, 1-2158) to facilitate 
comparisons. Map projections are conformal: Within the 
latitude range from —57? to 57?, the Mercator projection was 
used. The poles are projected in polar stereographic 
projection. The prime meridian on the Saturn-facing 
hemisphere is in the center of the map. The grid system is 
showing planetocentric latitudes and West longitudes. 
Equatorial Regions*) Poles 
Mimas 1:200,000 1:1,000,000 
Enceladus 1:200,000 1:1,000,000 
Tethys 1:500,000 1:3,000,000 
Dione 1:500,000 1:3,000,000 
Rhea 1:500,000 1:3,000,000 
*) -57? « Latitude « +57° 
Table 3: Map scales 
Names of geological features (e.g., crater, lineae, chasmae, 
fossae) were added in the maps and follow the official IAL. 
nomenclature (Greeley, R., Batson, R.M., 1990, USGS 2004), 
Printable versions of the maps in PDF-format will be 
The Cassini spacecraft will go on a four-year tour through 
the Saturnian system, begininning with the close flyby of 
the outer satellite Phoebe in June of this year. Observations 
will be carried out by the Cassini’s onboard ISS (Imaging 
Subsystem), which consists of a high-resolution and a wide- 
angle camera. Highest resolution images will be taken 
during the close flybys (between 500 and 2000 km), planned 
for all icy satellites except Mimas, and during other non. 
targeted flybys (distance < 50,000 km). We plan to improve 
both the image maps and the control point networks on a 
regular basis. Fig. 4 shows the planned coverage of Dione 
during the first three years of the tour, as an example. 
Resolution [km /pix] 
> 5,0 
4,0 - 5,0 
3.0 - 4,0 
2.0 - 3.0 
1,0 - 1,5 
0,7 - 1.0 
0.4 - 0,7 
0.2 - 0.4 
< 0,2 
9 pr 
Start UTC + 2004-171T23:09:30, End UTC : 2007-034T12:10:00 
Fig. 4: Coverage of Dione that will be accomplished by Cassini between 2004 and 2007 
Fig, 3 
802, J 

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