Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
4.0 Precise Orbits and Clock 
The second set of tests were performed using the precise 
satellite orbits and clocks. As alluded to above, this should 
reduce the mean errors in addition to improving overall ac- 
curacy. Both trends are visible in Table 4, where both the 
standard deviations and mean errors are substantially less 
than those in Table 2. In the case ofthe standard deviations, 
an improvement of approximately 2596 was observed. Sur- 
prisingly, the standard deviations are even better than those 
from the ground-controlled network in Table 1. This is an 
auspicious result; however in light of the problems with the 
data, it is also one that needs further study. 
Table 4: Check Point Error Statistics (m): Pseudorange 
observations, Precise Orbits 
Horizontal Vertical 
Mean 0.37 2.88 
Std. dev. 0.16 0.35 
RMSE 0.40 2.90 
Absolute maximum 
(mean removed) 0.47 0.97 
As shows in Table 5, the use of precise ephemeris also 
improves results when single-point exposure station posi- 
tion observations are used to control the network. As with 
the broadcast orbits, however, the position observations ap- 
proach is not as accurate as when the pseudoranges are di- 
rectly included in the adjustment. 
Table 5: Check Point Error Statistics (m): Single-point 
positions observations, Precise Orbits 
Horizontal ^ Vertical 
Mean 0.54 2.67 
Std. dev. 0.15 0.52 
RMSE 0.56 2.72 
Absolute maximum 
(mean removed) 0.61 1.34 
To perform the combined adjustment of photogrammetric 
and GPS data, the original plan was to use an existing bun- 
dle adjustment software package developed as part of a 
prior research project (see Ellum, 2001, for details). All 
that was required was the addition of the equations devel- 
oped in section 2.3. Most of the GPS-specific calculations, 
such as orbit calculation and application of atmospheric 
corrections, could have been done in stand-alone programs 
prior to commencement of the bundle adjustment. How- 
ever, rather than follow this path, it was decided that the 
start of a new research project presented a good oppor- 
tunity to rework the current software, making it easier to 
maintain and extend. 
To satisfy the two goals of maintainability and extensi- 
bility, the adjustment program has been divided into in- 
dividual adjustment modules as shown in Figure 3. In 
this scheme, the overall adjustment is divided into sub- 
adjustments that are connected in a hierarchical fashion. 
Each sub-adjustment need only make a few generic rou- 
tines available to the parent adjustment. The parent adjust- 
ment then only has to call the routines in the appropriate 
order. The strategy is further simplified through inheri- 
tance and polymorphism — all the adjustments can inherit 
a generic behaviour from a common base, or, when neces- 
sary, implement their own custom behaviour. A program 
following this design is more maintainable than a single 
monolithic design because the individual adjustments (and 
adjustment quantities) can be tested and debugged in iso- 
lation. Also, the inheritance and polymorphism results in 
less code, further improving maintainability. 
Control points ——fI——— Unknown points 
sa... : 7 .... 
Terrestrial Photogrammetric GPS 
Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment 
É dora. ] f aes ] [oun] { Roue ld 
l | 
L mem] [reme d Lone] [measurements | |. miügation - 
[ Mark times function. 
ee angles 
and lever-arms 
[ Azimuths 
Zenith : | | 
Range { Atmospheric 
interpolator | mode! 
Relative an 
= I 
Exposure rs — 
i LF) j 
[ Orientations | Ephemeris ; 
Angles Precise model 
Figure 3: Design of combined adjustment program 
A disadvantage of organising the adjustment in the man- 
ner described above is that it makes it more difficult to use 
the reduced normal equations when solving the system of 
equations. This is because the primary adjustment module, 
which is responsible for solving the system of equations, 
has no knowledge of the structure of the normal matrix. 
For it to maintain such knowledge would be contrary to 
the goal of genericity. As a consequence, no special tech- 
niques — such as the method of reduced normals — are used 
when solving the system of equations, and the system is 
solved using Cholesky decomposition only. Naturally, this 
results in degraded performance. At first, this was a con- 
cern; however, at the same time as the adjustment was be- 
ing re-implemented a move was also being made towards 
the use of machine-specific tuned BLAS (Basic Linear Al- 
gebra Subprograms) and LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACK- 
age) libraries (Anderson et al., 1999). These libraries con- 
tain high-performance routines for performing matrix op- 
erations and for solving linear systems, and these routines 
replaced the naive (but optimised) *C' and ‘C++ routines 
that had been previously been responsible for such opera- 
tions. BLAS and LAPACK libraries are freely available for 
most computing platforms — in this case, the ATLAS (Au- 
tomatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) library was 
used (ATLAS, 2003). As it turned out, the improvement 
from using these libraries far outweighed the costs of not 
using the reduced normal equations. As shown in Table 
6, the time required for a moderately sized adjustment us- 
ing Cholesky decomposition and the tuned libraries was 
less than one-third the time required when the reduced nor- 
mal equations were used with the existing naive routines. 
( Fropaspheierer | 
| lonospheric error 
 mitigation — 1 

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