Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 4. Integration of LIDAR and cartographic DTM. The transect shows the coherence between the two models. Blue dots 
represent the IGM DTM, red dots the laser data 
Before integrating the different models, a pre-processing has 
been indispensable in order to get the suitability and coherence 
of elevation data. Each laser strip has been compared with the 
GPS-RTK ground survey and, for each one, it has been 
determined the height shift with respect to the ground truth. It 
has emerged that the shift is not constant between adjacent 
strips because of problems in GPS signal reception at the flight 
moment. Each strip has been corrected of the proper elevation 
and all the strips have been adjusted together so as to obtain a 
coherent final model . 
Even the IGM DTM, that has a nominal height accuracy equal 
to 7-10 m, has been compared with the GPS-RTK ground 
survey. The average shift between the two data, equal to 3,50 m, 
has been applied to the DTM. 
The reliability of Lidar DTM is lower than the nominal 
accuracy of the system (about 0.3 m), due both to the 
morphology of ground (slopes up to 45?) and to the applied 
corrections; however its accuracy, around 1-2 m, is higher than 
that one of the DTM obtained from the IGM. 
The final result of these adjustment is a correct and uniform 
model over the whole area. Figure 4 shows the entire model and 
a profile over the integration area (black line over the DTM). 
Orthorectification of the QuickBird image has been performed 
using PCI Geomatica OrthoEngine v8.2 software. The software 
adopts different geometric correction models; among them, the 
parametric rigorous model and the rational polynomial model 
are the most accurate. 
It should be noted that the rigorous model can be applied to the 
entire scene and not only to a little part of it. Moreover, from 
previous studies performed by our group, it has been found that 
at least 20 ground control points evenly distributed over the 
Whole scene are needed for an accurate orthorectification with 
the rigorous model. On the contrary, QuickBird image is 
delivered together with Rational Polynomial Coefficients 
(RPC), that, theoretically, allow an accurate orthorectification 
without ground control points. 
Because of the availability of points from a RTK-GPS survey 
not over the entire image but only over the study area, we chose 
to ortorectify the image using the Rational Polynomial Model 
with coefficients delivered with metadata. 
Actually, previous studies performed using PCI Geomatica 
showed that the software, when GCPs are not used, applies 
erroneous transformation parameters from UTM-WGS84 to 
Gauss_Boaga system, that leads to a shift of several tens of 
meters from the correct position, both in East and North 
For this reason, in order to eliminate the shift and the little 
rotations it is necessary to use some ground control points 
placed around the study area. 
The orthorectification tests have been performed using different 
DTMs to evaluate the influence of the morphology change on 
the orthorectification procedure. First test has been carried out 
with the IGM DTM, the second one with the integrated DTM. 
For both tests the geocoding procedure has been led with four 
ground control points placed as shown in figure 5. 
Figure 5. Subset of the study area of an orthorectified image. 
Yellow dots represent the GCPs location 

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