Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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as Retinex Wavelet" theory (EH: Cand, 19717 1977-—D:- 
Jonson, 1997 and D. H. Brainard, 1986). The representation 
mathematic model is constructed in the Retinex Wavelet 
domain and relevant fast algorithm is design for the image 
quality related processing including image dodging and image 
restoration. All these will be discussed in Section 2.1 to Section 
2.1 Image Representation and Analysis Based on Retinex 
Wavelet Theory 
The basic assumption of retinex wavelet image representation is 
that the quality degrade image is consist of two parts. One is the 
constant part, which is the real imaging of object scene and the 
other is variance part with noise and distortion. Thus image 
quality processing should be done only to the variance part 
image. This assumption can be understood with different 
imaging model for different image quality related processing 
aim such as image enhancement and image restoration. 
For image restoration, the assumption comes from imaging 
theorem of photograph. All of imaging physics course to an 
optic device is the same, which can meet imaging theorem as 
figure 3 shown (S.X. Zhang, 1994): 
Where a is the distance of scene, 5 is the distance of image and 
f is focal distance. A B. is the image of scene object AB, € is the 
diameter of imaging blur circ 
e. As the above imaging course 
and imaging theorem, objects in different scene distance should 
adopt different focal distance strictly to obtain clear imagery as 
automatic focusing function of HSV to ensure the interested 
object being placed with best focal distance. To an imaging 
system, the focal length of optic sensor is stable during imaging 
course, thus it tries to use a suitable super focal length to obtain 
a large range of the depth of field with relative clear imagery. 
The super focal length with large depth of field is based on the 
estimation of imaging blur circle with a factor that a circle with 
à certain small diameter can be taken as a point to the sensitive 
resolution of HSV, which means the blur imagery inside the 
blur imaging circle can be taken as clear imagery. And the 
objects in the range of depth of field can obtain clear imagery 
with the estimation of blur circle. Even though, the final 
imagery of a large scene range especially the mountain terrain 
just has a stable imagery part with strict clear imaging and the 
other part should be re-focus to obtain clear imagery. Thus, 
image restoration should be done just to the imagery part not on 
the focal length while all of image restoration algorithms are 
based on the total imagery. In principle, the image restoration 
based on total imagery will damage the object imagery on the 
focal distance, thus these quality related processing should be 
done with two parts imagery representation. And once the 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
imaging sensor and imaging state is confirmed, the clear 
imagery part is stable, which we called it constant imagery part. 
For image enhancement, the assumption comes from 
illumination model as the figure 4 shown (B. K. P. Horn, 
1974). As figure 4 shown, R is the light source, and A, B is the 
object in scene. The lightness of object A composes with the 
illumination 7; from light source and reflectance /55 from other 
object B, which can be illustrated as equation (3). 
EI ra +! LS Q) 
View Point 
Light Source 
Object A 
Object B 
Figure 4 Illumination Model 
Thus the final imagery can be decomposed into two different 
images of illumination image part and reflectance image part. 
Once the light source and its relationship between light source 
and object is confirmed, the illumination image part can also be 
taken as constant imagery part. Thus, the image brightness and 
colour processing should deal with these two images using 
different operator, which is not considerate by common image 
enhancement algorithms. 
Whether imaging theorem or illumination model, they construct 
image with right imaging part and ill imaging part. This can be 
expressed a deconvolution model as equation (4): 
G(x, y) - R(x, y) L(x, y) (4) 
Where G(x,y) is the degrade image through imaging model, 
L(x,y) is the constant imagery part and A(x,y) is the variance 
imagery part. For this image representation model, the image 
processing algorithms should adopt different operator to 
constant image and variance ill image. And the benefits of such 
decomposition include the possibility of improving image 
quality only to the ill-posed image part without damaging 
constant image part. Converse image representation model to 
the logarithmic domain by g(x,y) 7» log G(x,y), I(x,y) =log L(x,y), 
r(x,y) = logR(x,y), and thereby we can get: 
g(x. y)=l(x, y)+ r(x,y) (5) 
This step is motivated both mathematically, preferring additions 
to multiplications, and physiologically, referring to the 
sensitivity of our visual system]. Thus, the multiple-resolution 
analysis can be done only to the r(x, y) to obtain higher precision 
image representation as equation (6) shown: 
g(x, y ) = I(x, y) T Nd. V is (a y) di. ES f. V ? (6) 
Where, U is the two dimensions base function of wavelet 
transform. This is the image representation model based on 
Retinex Wavelet theory. Comparing with traditional imaging 
model (as equation (1) shown), this model is more closed to 
imaging course and focus mechanism of HSV. Image 
processing algorithms based on this representation model will 
be superior to common imaging model. Thus, the image 

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