Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
oround. It was used to produce the digital elevation model 
(DEM) called also digital terrain model (DTM). This data set is 
named “bald-earth”. 
Visual evaluation: 
A first general visual evaluation was done by displaying the 
LIDAR DSM and DEM as 3D perspective using the ArcGIS 
software from ESRI. For a better visualization, the Z dimension 
(highs) was exaggerated by factors 3 and 5. Both the DSM and 
DEM give a general good image of the terrain and its general 
morphology due their high resolution (1m cells). However, the 
DSM produced from the "all-returns" data set contains a large 
number of ‘spikes’. The DEM produced from the *bald-earth' 
data set has no more nosy spikes but is less useful in the 
emergency mapping context where it is important to visualize 
the terrain surface with all man made objects on it as buildings, 
bridges and all infrastructures. Bald earth only is not interesting 
for this user group. 
A comparison was made between the LIDAR DSM and a 
photogrammetric DSM produced from the 1:15 000 scale aerial 
photos with a planimetric resolution of a 5 m grid. The 
photogrammetric DSM is very smooth and has practically no 
spikes and gives a better general image of the nature of the 
terrain. However, due to the important difference in the spatial 
resolution (5 m cells vs 1 m cells), it is almost impossible to 
identify small buildings on the photogrammetric DSM without 
further information and the bridges and the water bodies have to 
be edited manually. On the LIDAR DSM most of the buildings 
are recognizable, except some houses in a residential area 
having mature, high trees. Bridges are easy to identify as most 
of the railway due to the high resolution of elevations values 
allowing to recognize practically all embankments. Due to the 
less interest for the 'bald-earth' DEM in the emergency 
mapping context, it was decided to use the ‘all-returns’ data for 
the other tests. 
Some of the spikes generated probably by noise have an 
elevation value over 200 m, out of the range of the terrain inside 
the test area (between 75m and 120m) even considering the 
existing buildings. A threshold was used for cutting off all the 
clevations values outside a range of 74 m to 120 m and was 
applied to the row data creating a separate data set names 
‘Range cut-off’. For noise reduction, the DSM data was filtered 
using two simple median filters with a window size of 3 x 3 and 
5 x 5. The results were fair but the differences in noise 
reduction between the 3 x 3 median filter and the 5 x 5 median 
were not significant. However, it seems that same valuable 
clevation information might get lost using the 5 x 5 filter and 
the recognition of small objects and buildings will be 
compromise. Only the 3x3 median filter was used for all further 
Evaluation of the LIDAR vs GPS checkpoints 
a. Direct comparison with GPS check points: 
A set of 203 GPS check points were used to evaluate the 
precision of the elevations values from the DSM generated from 
the ‘all-returns "LIDAR data set after applying the above 
described filtering methods: the out of range cut-off and a 3 by 
3 median filter. The results are presented in Table 1. 
With a value of 1.82 m for the standard deviation of the *Out- 
of-range cut-off" data set, the precision seems to be far from the 
expectations. However, it should be remembered that the two 
data sets have still some noise like we can see from the Min. 
and Max. values for the differences. After eliminating the 3 
highest differences, the standard deviation dropped to 0.64 m, a 
value closer to the expectations. Comparing with the *bald- 
earth’ data set was not possible as a number of GPS check 
points are located on the top bridges and industrial buildings 
that were eliminated by the filtering process used to generate the 
‘bald-earth’ DEM. It appears that there is no significant bias 
with a mean value of 5 and 6 cm. 
Min Max Mean Std. dev. 
(m) (m) (m) (m) 
Out of 
range cut- -19.0 10.7 -0.05 1.82 
Table 1: Differences between GPS and LIDAR DSM 
b.- Comparison of terrain profiles 
An other set of evaluations was done using the a set of profiles 
recorded using the GPS kinematic technique across some 
typical features of the test area: across and along a railway 
track, along a country road with moderate, constant slope, over 
a 5 levels building and the attached flat parking lot. These 
profiles were compared with filtered ‘all-returns’ LIDAR data 
set and a set of two DSMs created from the digital aerial images 
using the Leica Helava DPW. A typical profile evaluation is 
shown in Figure 2. It appears that the LIDAR DSM is very 
close to the GPS profile. The standard deviation is 0.21 m 
computed over all GPS recorded points of the profiles and the 
mean value is 0.14 m. 
Profile B 
lier GPS à 
—79 —- Photo 
— + —LIDAR) 
0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 
Figure 2. A profile across a railway embankment 
4.3.3 Evaluation of LIDAR intensity data 
The LIDAR system used for the test recorded also the intensity 
of the signal for each measured point. The intensity value can 
be used to produce an image of the terrain that has the 
advantage to be recorded in the same time as the LIDAR 
elevation data and to have theoretical the same metric 
proprieties as an ortho-image produced using the LIDAR DEM. 
The main difference with an image recorded by a standard 
digital camera is that the LIDAR recorded points do not have a 
regular distribution. The quality and the true resolution could be 
variable across the recorded area as it is the almost random 
distribution of the LIDAR recorded points. For the present test, 
the intensity values were used to produce an image with the 
resolution of Im by Im. The resolution is significant lower than 
the digital image recorded simultaneously but has an important 
advantage for the emergency mapping: it can be produced in the 
same time as the LIDAR DSM with no more human 

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