International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
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Membership function of Height(meter)
ee rer ete ere
Membership function of Area(meter)
Structural Components
id 1 s
Membership function of Shape
Y Y =
Membership function of Relief
Textural Components
Membership function of Texture
fie gulae Sufiegula
ar |
Some Sample Rules:
THEN Object is Building
4 IF Texture is Regular AND Relief is Very Regular AND Height is Very Tall AND Area is Very Large
+ IF Texture is Irregular AND Relief is Regular AND Height is Tall AND Area is Large AND Shape is
Not Stretched THEN Object is Probably Building
+ IF Texture is Very Irregular AND Relief is Very Irregular AND Green Colour is Deep AND Height is
Medium AND Area is Small THEN Object is Tree
IF Texture is Irregular AND Relief is Regular AND Green Colour is Medium AND Height is Medium
AND Area is Small THEN Object is Probably Tree
Figure 6. Linguistic variables and labels, membership functions and some sample of presented rules in
recognition process
Figure 7. Linguistic variables and labels, membership functions and some sample of presented rules in
region growing process
We believe the foregoing sections and the presented test results
have demonstrated a promising and comprehensive solution to a
complicated problem and the evaluation of our OER method
has indicated its high potentials for extraction and Recognition
of the 3D GIS objects.
It should be emphasized, however, that in the preceding
Sections the main intention was to express the general structure
of the proposed OER strategy. The principle feature of this
Strategy is not so much its individual modules that perform
different tasks, but the methodology itself that governs the
entire system.
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