Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
This information is displayed in the report pages which can be 
viewed based on year or by management district. Any fire that 
is currently burning can be selected from within the fire reports 
and a fire status page will be displayed containing the real-time 
information relevant to that fire. 
The fire status page shows the real-time location of the center 
of a fire or hotspot. In addition, the location of the fires can be 
viewed on a reference map of Alberta, shown on the same 
screen. Other information such as fire status, fire management 
district and most up to date aerial photos are also shown on this 
3.2.2 Trajectory Tool: The second tool that is currently 
available on the WMMS is the Trajectory Tool. This tool is 
capable of reporting the real-time trajectories of a spotter 
aircraft’s flight path and displaying on the webpage the 
locations of any spotted fires or hotspots along that flight path. 
Points along the plane's trajectory are collected using the 
WADGPS receiver that is mounted on the spotter aircraft and 
transferred to the system in the same manner used by the 
Fire/Hotspot Reporting Tool. The trajectories are then 
displayed on the base map. Fires and hotspots are also recorded 
during this process and any incoming fire coordinates are 
uploaded to the website and marked on the base map with a fire 
icon. If the fire has been extinguished but is still smoldering, 
the locations of hotspots within the smoldering area will also be 
automatically uploaded to the web site as the spotter aircraft 
passes over. 
3.2.3 Prometheus Tool: The third tool that is available on the 
WMMS is the Prometheus Tool. This tool allows fire 
managers to determine how a current or hypothetical fire will 
propagate across the terrain. Prometheus is a wildfire modeling 
program which is the result of a national interagency project 
endorsed and administered by the Canadian Interagency Forest 
Fire Center (Prometheus, 2004). Alberta Sustainable Resource 
Development is the lead agency for this project and has 
permitted the Geomatics department of the University of 
Calgary to use Prometheus as a tool in its wildfire prediction 
system. Prometheus is currently able to model wildfire 
behavior based on topography, the Canadian standard fuel types 
and the Canadian standard weather index system from the 
Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS) 
(Prometheus, 2004). 
Prometheus was chosen for this system since it possesses three 
key advantages that no other available model has. The first 
advantage is that Prometheus provides an intuitive pictorial 
view of the spread of fire though the landscape. This enables 
users to quickly view how the fire is spreading instead of 
having to interpret textual values of rate of spread and fire 
intensity. The second advantage is that Prometheus uses the 
two working sub-systems of the CFFDRS in its prediction 
model. This helps standardize the model since the CFFDRS is 
a national system for rating the risk of forest fires in Canada. 
Finally, Prometheus can be integrated into the WMMS using its 
Microsoft COM (Component Object Model) interface. . The 
COM interface allows easier integration of Prometheus with 
other Microsoft applications, permits additions to be made to 
the model and allows the model to work seamlessly through a 
web browser. The CFFDRS and Prometheus COM will be 
discussed in more detail in the following sections. 
CFFDRS: The CFFDRS is the Canadian standard for predicting 
wildfires, which was initially developed in 1968 (Hirsch, 1996). 
Since then, two sub-systems have been developed to handle 
fuel types, topography and weather. A third sub-system is 
being developed to include risk of lightning and human caused 
fires but is not operational yet. Currently, only the Fire 
Weather Index (FWI) and Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) 
Systems are being used by the Prometheus COM. 
The FWI system is composed of six components that model fire 
behavior based on daily fuel moisture and wind effects. The 
first three components deal with the moisture content of the 
different layers of fuels on the forest floor. The layers are 
defined as scattered litter and other fine fuels, loosely 
compacted organic layers at moderate depth and deep, 
compacted layers. The three remaining components of the FWI 
system include predicted rate of fire spread, fuel available for 
combustion and predicted head fire intensity. These six 
components are calculated using the equations from (Van 
Wagner, 1985) to produce qualitative FWI grid maps. 
The FBP system uses fuel types and topography to calculate 
quantitative predictions for select characteristics of fire 
behavior (Hirsh, 1996). To use this model, input from the 
following five sources is required: 
1. Fueltype 
o  Determined using a list of sixteen general fuel types 
that are some of the major fuel types in Canada 
2. Weather 
o  Encapsulated using output from the FWI system, plus 
hourly data on wind speed and direction 
o Defined by percent slope and aspect 
4. Foliar moisture content 
o  Determined using elevation, latitude, longitude and 
5. Type and duration of prediction 
o  Determined using the elapsed time since the fire 
began and whether it began by a point or line 
Once these parameters are entered into the FBP system, the 
system produces the primary outputs of rate of fire spread, fuel 
consumption, head fire intensity and fire type. From these 
parameters two dimensional views can be produced to illustrate 
the fire spreading as a function of time. Once the results of 
both the FWI and FBP systems are obtained they can be 
combined to create a complete view of predicted fire 
Prometheus’ Component Object Model: | To create the 
Prometheus COM, the Prometheus application has been 
programmed into various components where each component is 
capable of performing a certain task. Components are reusable 
pieces of software in binary form that can be plugged into other 
components from other vendors with relatively little effort. 
Software components must therefore adhere to a binary external 
standard. A COM builds a foundation that enables the creation 
and use of reusable components by making them “component 
objects". An object is a piece of software that contains the 
functions that represent what the object can do and state 
associated information for those functions. Objects are made 
up of a data structure and some functions to manipulate that 
structure. These mechanisms are independent of the other 
applications that use object services and of the programming 
languages used to create other objects. The COM also provides 
methods for code reusability without the problems of traditional 
language style implementation inheritance. To use the COM 
the client must tell an object when they are using it and when 

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