Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

multi-pass derived hg, to estimate vegetation canopy height. In 
addition, accuracy of single- and multi-pass hg, as an estimate 
of vegetation height derived across three incidence angles (NR, 
MR, and FR) for five vegetation classes were compared against 
in situ measurements of vegetation canopy height. This was 
accomplished by a statistical analysis over vegetated land cover 
(shrub, deciduous, coniferous, mixed forest, and wetland) of 
diverse eco-regions (arid and temperate). 
Commercially available X-band InSAR data products are 
rapidly being acquired for a large number of countries under the 
NEXTMap program and via the Tandem-X global mission, and 
so are becoming increasingly available to users. Further 
investigation using single-data take data is warranted to aid in 
the understanding of potential incidence angle effects in 
Astrium spaceborne Tandem-X data, which will have global 
coverage by 2015. 
The InSAR side-looking geometry created additional errors in 
InSAR scattering phase centre height estimates of the single- 
data take data, and requires further investigation to better 
understand potential reasons for the vegetation canopy height 
underestimation at X-HH InSAR. Furthermore, although the X- 
HH InSAR NEXTMap scattering phase centre heights are 
strongly correlated with field-observed measurements, with the 
best accuracies found in the FR, tree heights are underestimated. 
Therefore, further calibration of scattering phase centre heights 
is required to provide better estimates of InSAR-derived 
vegetation canopy heights across all incidence angles. 
The Tandem-X (e.g. X-band InSAR from space) mission is 
generating a consistent global digital surface model (DSM) with 
accuracy equalling or surpassing the HRTI-3 specification (12 
m GSD, 10 m LE90%, and 3 m CE90%) for use in a host of 
applications (Krieger et al, 2007; Moreira et al, 2004). 
Multiple data-takes of these DSM data combined with an 
accurate elevation dataset may be used to, for example, derive a 
global vegetation canopy height model to improve biomass 
estimations to inform the United Nations REDD»- initiative 
(Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) in 
support of climate change mitigation, and to assist forest 
management applications. 
Andersen, H. E., S. E. Reutebuch, and R. J. McGaughey, 
2006. A Rigorous Assessment of Tree Height Measurements 
Obtained Using Airborne LIDAR and Conventional Field 
Methods, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(5), pp. 355- 
Andersen, H. -E., R. J. McGaughey, and S. E. Reutebuch, 2008. 
Assessing the influence of flight parameters, interferometric 
processing, slope and canopy density on the accuracy of X-band 
IFSAR-derived forest canopy height models, International 
Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(5), pp. 1495-1510. 
Balzter, H., C.S. Rowland and P. Saich, 2007a. Forest Canopy 
Height and Carbon Estimation at Monks Wood National Nature 
Reserve, UK, using Dual-Wavelength SAR Interferometry, 
Remote Sensing of Environment, 108, pp. 224-239. 
Balzter, H., A. Luckman, L. Skinner, C. Rowland, and T. 
Dawson, 2007b. Observations of forest stand top height and 
mean height from interferometric SAR and LiDAR over a 
conifer plantation at Thetford Forest, UK, International Journal 
of Remote Sensing, 28(6), pp. 1173-1197. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Chen, Q., 2010. Retrieving Vegetation Height of Forests and 
Woodlands Over Mountainous Areas in the Pacific Coast 
Region Using Satellite Laser Altimetry, Remotes Sensing of 
Environment, 114, pp. 1610 — 1627. 
Izzawati, E. D. Wallington, I. H. Woodhouse, 2006. Forest 
Height Retrieval from Commercial X-band SAR Products, 
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44, pp. 
Kellndorfer, J., W. Walker, L. Pierce, C. Dobson, J. A. Fites, C. 
Hunsaker, J. Vona, and M. C. Clutter, 2004. Vegetation Height 
Estimation from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission and 
National Elevation Datasets, Remote Sensing of the 
Environment, 93, pp. 339-358. 
Krieger, G., A. Moreira, H. Fiedler, I. Hanhsek, M. Werner, M. 
Younis, and M. Zink. 2007. TanDEM-X: A Satellite Formation 
for High-Resolution SAR Interferometry, IEEE Transactions on 
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 45(11), pp. 3317- 3341. 
Mercer, B. 2001. Comparing LIDAR and InSAR: What Can 
You Expect? In: Fritsch/Spiller, eds. Proceedings of the 
Photogrammetric Week, Stuttgart, Germany, and pp. 2-10. 
Moreira, A., G. Krieger, I. Hajnsek, M. Werner, D. Hounam, S. 
Riegger, and E. Settelmeyer, 2004. TanDEM-X: A TerraSAR-X 
Add-on Satellite for Single-Pass SAR Interferometry, IGARSS, 
pp. 1000-1003. 
Olmsted, C., 1993. Alaska SAR Facility Scientific SAR User's 
Guide, http://www.scribd.com/doc/20867410/Alaska-S AR- 
Podobnikar, T., 2009. Methods for Visual Quality Assessment 
of a Digital Terrain Model, Surveys and Perspectives 
Integrating Environment and Society, 2(2): 19p. 
Sexton, J. O., T. Bax, P. Siqueria. J. Swenson, and S. Hensley, 
2009. Forest Ecology and Management, 257, pp. 1136-1147. 
Simard M, K. Zhang, V. Rivera-Monroy, M. S. Ross, P. L. 
Ruiz, E. Castafieda-Moya, R. R. Twilley, and R. Rodriguez, 
2006. Mapping Height and Biomass of Mangrove Forests in 
Everglades National Park with SRTM Elevation Data, 
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 72(3), 
Treuhaft R. and P. Siqueira, 2000. Vertical Structure of 
Vegetated Land Surfaces from Interferometric and Polarimetric 
Radar, Radio Science, 35(1), pp. 141-177. 
Walker, W. S., J. M. Kellndorfer, and L. E. Pierce, 2007. 
Quality assessment of SRTM C- and X-band interferometric 
data: Implications for the Retrieval of Vegetation Canopy 
Height, Remote Sensing of Environment, 106, pp. 428-448. 
Woodhouse, I. H., S. Cloude, K. Papathanassiou, and C. 
Hutchinson, 2003. Evaluating PollnSAR Tree Height and 
Topography Retrievals in Glen Affric, ESA-ESRIN PolInSAR 
Workshop, Frascati. 

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