Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
O. Alhusain * * *, Gy. Engedy *, A. Milady ©, L. Paulini *, G. Soos* 
? UVATERV Engineering Consultants C.C. Ltd., H-1537 Budapest 114, P.O. Box 453/421, Hungary, 
engedy@uvaterv.hu, paulini@uvaterv.hu, soos@uvaterv. 
® Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H-1111 Budapest, Muegyetem rkp. 3, Hungary, 
* Railroad Project Execution and Management Board, P.O. Box 82376 Swani Road, Tripoli, Libya 
KEY WORDS: Urban, Planning, City, Imagery, Aerial, Satellite, Multitemporal 
Tripoli, the capital city of Libya is going through significant and integrated development process, this development is expected to 
continue in the next few decades. The Libyan authorities have put it as their goal to develop Tripoli to an important metropolis in 
North Africa. To achieve this goal, they identified goals for the city's future development in all human, economic, cultural, touristic, 
and nonetheless infrastructure levels. On the infrastructure development level, among other things, they have identified the 
development of public transportation as one of the important development priorities. 
At present, public transportation in Tripoli is carried out by a limited capacity bus network alongside of individual transportation. 
However, movement in the city is characterized mainly by individual transportation with all its disadvantages such as traffic jams, 
significant air pollution with both carbon monoxide and dust, and lack of parking space. 
The Libyan authorities wisely opted for an efficient, modern, and environment friendly solution for public transportation, this was to 
plan a complex Metro Network as the backbone of public transportation in the city, and to develop and integrate the bus network and 
other means of transportation to be in harmony with the planned Metro network. The Metro network is planned to provide 
convenient connections to Tripoli International Airport and to the planned Railway station. They plan to build a system of Park and 
Ride (P+R) facilities at suitable locations along the Metro lines. 
This paper will present in details the planned Metro Network, some of the applied technological solutions, the importance of 
applying remote sensing and GIS technologies in different planning phases, and problems and benefits associated with the use of 
multi-temporal-, multi-format spatial data in the whole network planning phase. 
Planning of the Tripoli Metro Network was carried out for the 
first time in the period of 1984-1990. However, the revision of 
that original plan was done from scratch producing almost new 
plan. The new plan presented into this study took into 
consideration the city topography, its future development plans, 
population growth figures both in numbers and in distribution, 
and trends of age and occupations, future transportation 
demands were estimated until the year 2025. Accordingly 
Tripoli Metro Network was proposed to be consisting of three 
lines A (green), B (red), and C (blue) crossing the city from east 
to west and from north to south with good coverage of the inner 
parts of the city, with a total of transportation length of 99.5 km, 
and a total of 72 stations, the total length of the network 
including service sections will be 106 km. Figure 1, shows the 
schematic representation of Tripoli Metro Network, while figure 
2, shows the layout of the Network. 
Beside the generic elements of the planning process, the 
revision study dealt with many areas related to the planning 
process. Computer aided design of the project can't be carried 
out efficiently without the use of digital format displaying as a 
substitution to the classical planning hardcopy base maps. 
Digital spatial data usually is casted into one of two formats, 
either vector or raster format. Taking into consideration that 
* Corresponding author. 
vector digital maps of the project site were unavailable, so 
planners of the project at UVATERV (acronym of the capital 
letters of Üt VAsüt TERVezés, Hungarian words meaning Road 
and Railway Planning) opted to carry out their studies and 
analysis on raster format digital maps (digital imagery). 
Planning activities in the original planning study of the period 
1984-1990 were conducted using hardcopy maps provided by 
the contracting Libyan Railroad Project Execution and 
Management Board (RPEMB). The provided maps were 
prepared by the Polish POLSERVICE-WADECO in the period 
of 1979-1981. Production of the maps depended on 1:15000 
scale aerial photographs, where aerial photography was carried 
out in the same period of 1979-1981. The datum of the mapping 
system is the ELD79, the projection system was the Transverse 
Mercator's 7th zone. The Mediterranean Sea Mean Level was 
chosen as an elevation datum. The analogue aerial photographs 
were data captured to produce 1:1000 and 1:5000 scale map 
segments. Content of these map segments includes buildings, 
fences, roads, earth roads, paths, and field forms. 
Legal and administrative borders and some lines of the surface 
infrastructure were shown on these map segments. In non-urban 
areas 2 m interval contours represented, on the other hand in 
urban areas tagged elevation points can be found. Map keys 
provide reference to land use, buildings, and vegetation.

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