Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

Documentation found on the map is written in both Arabic and 
English languages, these are mainly street names, descriptions 
of area status, and construction. Many other related data have 
been registered on the maps such as the map sheet number, a 
mapping scale, and control network coordinate values. Non-the- 
less, useful index of map grid and map symbols can be found on 
each map segment. Figure 3, shows an analogue map sheet of 
the city of Tripoli. 
These maps of Tripoli, undoubtedly -at that time- have had 
surpassed in their technical quality and content all other maps 
prepared previously about the city. At the same time and since 
then, the city has gone through many large scale changes that 
made these good quality maps obsolete, rendering them to an 
unsuitable tool in the revision study of the Metro Network. 
Figure 1. Schematic representation of Tripoli Metro Network 
sg. 44-1 
Figure 2. Planned layout of Tripoli Metro Network 
Following practices of the time, many buildings and 
establishments were not shown on that map, a fact in itself 
devaluated the usability of the map for such a study. The 
technical basis of the map also became old and not very usable, 
knowing that the ELD79 datum severely limits the applications 
of GPS-based measurements. Nonetheless, although the map 
segments have been scanned and put in a coordinates system, 
which in theory transfer them to be used as a kind of computer- 
based raster map, the resulting product falls short of modern 
time standards and our expectations and requirements. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
To carry out the Revision of the Metro Network Study, and 
especially to facilitate field work, there was a natural need to 
acquire an up-to-date mapping material. At the beginning of the 
revision work, it was unknown whether the contracting partner 
(RPEMB) will be able to provide the reviewing teams with such 
mapping material, and if so, what kind of quality; therefore the 
decision was made to look for a high quality and an up-to-date 
geographic data source where computer assisted design and 
modern technology can be efficiently applied. To satisfy the 
above mentioned criteria, the choice fallen on the CitySphere 
satellite image products of Tripoli. Figure 4, shows satellite 
mosaics covering the whole Metro planning area. 
Figure 4. Satellite mosaics of Tripoli 

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