Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

XXIX-B8, 2012 
per hectare, R = 
wh), K = soil 
'ographic or slope 
factor. All of the 
of R and K. The 
odel is explained 
1e erosivity factor 
/ if such data are 
sity data are very 
ide to determine 
, 2001). In River 
ll intensity data. 
nnual rainfall as 
L). The expression 
and R - rainfall 
ir time series of 
from the Climatic 
(CRU-CL 2.0) 
rom 1982 to 2002 
distance method, 
rage interpolation 
tribution of mean 
soil erodibility 
il to erosion and 
der standard plot 
map in the large 
[ational Atlas and 
t of Science and 
lion scale is used 
ctor (LS): The 
cs and transport 
\ 90 m resolution 
ission (SRTM) is 
dsrtm/ , and gaps 
topo 30 DEM 
sp).This rectified 
the LS factor as 
(1987) presented 
lope length or L 
' length (m); m — 
' steepness, being 
ercent slopes and 
of 100 m is used 
n of field slope 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
length is made by several researchers (Onyando ef al., 2005; 
Fistikoglu and Harmancioglu, 2002; Jain et al., 2001). 
Slope Steepness Factor (S):For slope length longer than 4 m, 
the slope steepness factor is derived using the following 
equations (McCool et al., 1987): 
S = 10.8 sin 8 + 0.03 (for slope gradient < 9 %) (4a) 
S = 16.8 sin 8 — 0.05 (for slope gradient > 9 96) (4b) 
where S = slope steepness factor and 0 — slope angle in degree. 
The slope steepness factor is dimensionless. 
3.1.4 Cover (C) and Conservation practices (P) factors: The 
C factor is derived from NDVI distribution obtained from 
Landsat images downloaded (via 
http//edesns17.cr.uses.gov/FarihExplorer/) on internet. NDVI 
is positively correlated with the amount of green biomass, so it 
can be used to give an indication for differences in green 
vegetation coverage. NDVI-values are scaled to approximate C 
values using the following formula, developed by European 
Soil Bureau: 
where; a, B are the parameters that determine the shape of the 
NDVI-C curve. An a-value of 2 and a f-value of 1 are assigned 
to give the reasonable results (after Van der Knijff et al., 2000). 
P is the conservation practice factor, reflects the impact of 
support practices in the average annual erosion rate. It is the 
ratio of soil loss with contouring and/or strip cropping to that 
with straight row farming up-and-down slope. As there is only 
a very small area has conservation practices in the study area, P 
factor values are assumed as 1 for the basin 
3.2 Sediment Yield Estimation 
The ratio of sediment delivered at a given area in the stream 
system to the gross erosion is the sediment delivery ratio for 
that drainage area. Thus, the annual sediment yield of a 
watershed is defined as follows: 
SY = (A) (SDR) (6) 
Where, A = total gross erosion computed from USLE, SDR = 
sediment delivery ratio. A general equation for computing 
watershed delivery ratios is not yet available since they depend 
on several properties of the watershed like infiltration, 
roughness, vegetation cover, hydrograph or runoff drainage, 
etc. Since much of the above data are not available for the study 
area to derive SDR, some of the simple models given by 
different researchers have been tried to estimate sediment yield 
at the outlet of the basin, but the one given below by Williams 
and Berndt’s (1972) is finally chosen because it gives 
reasonable results despite using few catchment characteristics. 
SDR = 0.627 SLP 9^9? (7) 
Where, SLP = % slope of main stream channel. 
3.3 Spatial Distribution of Soil Loss 
After completing data input procedure and preparation of the 
appropriate maps as data layers, they are analyzed in the GIS, 
to provide a estimate of the gross erosion map on 200 m X 200 
m pixel size. Average soil loss is calculated as the product of 
each pixel value with pixel area then dividing with total area of 
the basin. The USLE model is applied for the following two 
3.3.1 Estimation of Average Annual Soil Loss 
Average annual soil loss is estimated based on 20-year average 
rainfall erosivity factor and K, LS, C, P factors. 
3.3.2 Prioritization of Sub-Watersheds 
The Indravathi basin is divided into 424 sub- 
watersheds for prioritization purpose. Derived average annual 
soil loss layer is crossed with the sub-watershed map in a GIS 
environment to obtain soil loss in each sub-watershed. Average 
soil loss values in t/ha/yr for each sub-watershed are obtained 
by using aggregation option of ILWIS in table operation. 
Prioritization of sub-watershed has been done on the basis of 
average annual soil loss. Estimated values of sub-watershed 
wise soil loss are classified as follows (Table 1). P1 is the first 
priority category followed by P2, P3, P4, P5 and P6. 
Sr. No | Priority Class | Soil Loss (t/ha/yr) | Class 
1 P6 <5 Slight 
2 P5 5-10 Moderate 
3 P4 10-20 High 
4 P3 20 — 40 Very high 
S P2 40 — 80 Severe 
6 P1 > 80 Very severe 
Table 1. Soil Loss Categories according to Average Annual 
Soil Loss 
The results obtained by analyzing the data are presented and 
discussed in this section. The average annual R factor values 
vary from 550 to 670 MJ.mm ha'! h'! with a mean value of 602 
MJ.mm ha'! h'! and a standard deviation is 25. The K value in 
the study area varies from 0.6 to 0.8. DEM of the study area 
revealed that 42 % of area between altitude from 500 m to 700 
m. The combined spatial distribution of LS factor is derived 
using the DEM of the study area. LS factor values in the study 
area vary from 0.2 to 587 with a mean value of 4. Areas with 
LS value between 0 and 4 cover 78 % of the catchment area, 
and only 10 % of the catchment has LS values greater than 11. 
Spatial distribution of C factor was derived for the year 1998 
and the C value in the study area varies from 0.1 to 0.3. 
After completing data input procedure and preparation of the 
appropriate maps as data layers, they were multiplied in the 
GIS, to provide a estimate of the gross erosion map on 200 m X 
200 m pixel size. Gross erosion map was reclassified (Figure 2) 
as per the guidelines suggested by Singh et al. (1992) for Indian 
conditions (Table 1). From the model output predictions ( Table 
2) it is found that on average, 74.11 Million tons of soil are 
moved annually per year and average erosion rate predicted is 
18 tons/ha/year. Sediment delivery ratio (SDR) for the 
catchment is found to be 0.3 using the empirical equation of 
Williams and Berndt. By multiplying the gross erosion with 

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