Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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After the intermediate examination aerotriangulation in theory and practiCe of 
preparation, measurement, computation and error detection is the main subject 
of the training program. 
Orthoprojection is touched only in principle. Rectification is not included. 
Specialisation in those subjects will be possible on request by extending the 
course of at least one month. 
After having successfully passed the final examination (theory and practice of 
subjects of the whole course) a participant will receive the "IPO - diploma of 
advanced training". Repetition of parts or of the entire examination is possible. 
Eight months' fundamental training course 
In future candidates with no initial practical experience in photogrammetry, 
surveying or cartography will start with the "fundamental training course". - 
In special cases a candidate may be allowed to join the advanced course anyway. 
After the written and practical test (at the end of the test phase) candidates 
who had started with the "advanced training course" may be obliged to join the 
"fundamental training course" where theory and practice are also geared densely 
(compare tables 3 and 4) as mentioned before in the "advanced training course". 
Beginners will need more time for corresponding practical exercisesas well as 
for understanding the theory. This has been taken into account (compare tables 
1 with 3 and 2 with 4 respectively). 
An operator who has finished successfully the "fundamental training course" will 
be able to carry out standard plotting tasks on classical instruments such as 
orientation with optical-mechanical procedures using pocket calculators, plot- 
ting planimetry and contourlines, as well. 
Returning to his office or company he will need no further training time to gain 
experience and to increase plotting speed but his results should already be per- 
fect from the beginning. 
Special courses at IPO 
Besides the standard courses of fundamental or advanced training several short 
time courses for forestry technicians and engineers have been managed in French 
language for participants from Algeria. In future such courses will take place 
after the standard courses in summer. 
Courses for special topics such as "orthoprojection", "aerotriangulation", 
"computer assisted orientation, measurement and plotting" etc. will be offered 
from time to time. 
4. Equipment of IPO Stuttgart 
Up to summer 1982, the equipment of IPO has been completed step by step. The 
instrumental outfit is adapted to courses with about 15 participants. Table 5 
shows the list of photogrammetry and computer equipment. The main part of instru- 
ments is rent from ZEISS, Oberkochen, West Germany. There are, however instru- 
ments of other producers available: Because of the dense connection between IPO 
and the College of Advanced Technical Education Stuttgart (Fachhochschule fir 
Technik Stuttgart (FHT) the instruments of the latter can be used by IPO, too 
(see instruments with (FHT) in table 5). 
Mohl 5

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