Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

= 295 - 
| 1/2 : Hothmer, J. : Outline 06.81, WG VI-10, ISPRS, Standards of Competence 
| 3 f Visser, J. : ITC-Journal 1981-3, pages 380/381. 
4 : Bloom : Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, 1956. 
Hothmer, J. WG-VI-10, ISPRS, Standards of Competence: Outline 06.81/ 
First circular 08.81/Memo 09.81/Outline 01.82. 
International Hydrographic Bureau: Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors, 
Second edition, June 81. 
American Society of Photogrammetry: Manual of Photogrammetry, 4th. Edition. 
Jan Visser is currently Head of the Photogrammetry 
Department, ITC, Enschede, the Netherlands. 
He is with ITC since 1954. He is also Secretary- 
General of the OEEPE (the European Organisation 
for Experimental Photogrammetric Research). 
Christian Paresi is currently Senior Lecturer 
in the Department of Photogrammetry at the 
International Institute for Aerial Surveys and 
Earth Sciences (ITC), Enschede, Netherlands. 
He is with ITC since 1972. 
Visser, Paresi 9 

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