Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

Space resection 
Corresponding features Minimum configurations 
2D 3D n = Np + N,p | U nu 
0D Point Point 2P +.3P 6 + 3P P23 
Line 2P + 2P P=L26 
Surface 2P + AP - 
1D Straight line Straight line 2Ls + 4Ls 6 + 4Ls L 23 
2Ls + 3Ls Ls26 
Point/Plane 2Lg + 2Lg - 
2Ls + 1Ls - 
Ellipse Circle SLc * 6L. 6 + 6Lc Lc22 
SL. + 3Ec Le =2 
SLe + 4Le Le >2 
Plane SLe + 3Le Le 23 
Point SL, + 2Lç Le >=6 
SLe + 1Le - 
Tab. 1: Minimum configurations of space resection 
Relative orientation 
Corresponding features 
Minimum configurations 
2D 2D (3D) n=i- ny u nu 
0D Point Point Point 2 2P 5 + 3P P 25 
3:20 11 + 3P P24 
1D Straight line | Straight line | Straight line | 2 - 2Lg 5 + 4Ls = 
3-2, 11 + 4Ls I526 
Ellipse Ellipse Circle 2: SLe 5 + 6Lc Lc22 
Tab. 2: Minimum configurations of relative orientation 
Absolute orientation 
Corresponding features Minimum configurations 
3D 3D n=n,+0n;, |u nu 
0D Point Point 3P + 3P 7 + 3P P23 
Line 3P + ZP P=L24 
Surface 3P + 1P P=S27 
1D Straight line Straight line 4Ls + 4Ls 7 + 4Ls Is22 
Plane 4Ls + 2] Ls=S24 
2D Plane Plane 3S, t 3S, 7 + 3S; Sp 2 4 
Tab. 3: Minimum configurations of absolute orientation 
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