Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

he german base map 
e increasing demand 
werful techniques to 
ildings and separates 
ited by their outlines 
nition, a raster based 
e used to detect the 
d columns, a kind of 
standing task can be 
ten am Beispiel der 
steigende Bedarf an 
istungsstarker Meth- 
h Gebäude lokalisiert 
strichkarte durch ihre 
| im Bereich der kar- 
an der schwarzen und 
rasterbasierten Tech- 
s Regionenwachstum 
aufgabe bis zu einem 
904), operational sys- 
fying quality are still 
erpretation using im- 
automatic raster-to- 
h complexity of map 
jf the map as a whole 
. stage of technology. 
buildings. Spatial in- 
n many fields such as 
irban areas. Further- 
he shape of buildings 
port automated anal- 
hange detection and 
own by (Quint/Bähr, 
rte 1:5000 (DGK5) is 
map of Germany cov- 
DGK5 represents the 
other objects as black 
e determined by their 
Fig.la shows a subset 
ined DGK5. 
a 1996 
This type of map was chosen for the following reasons: Due 
to its large scale the objects remain true to scale and shape. 
The mapped buildings are characterized by a high positional 
accuracy ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 meters. Furthermore, the 
data are more complete (every building covering more than 15 
m? is mapped) and more actual than German cadastral maps 
which merely contain 7096 of all existing buildings whereas in 
the DGK5 95% of all existing houses are included. 
In the DGK5 a building is represented by its outline filled with 
a hatched pattern, an optional house number and, in few 
cases some additional explanatory characters. The hatched 
pattern consists of parallel and equidistant straight lines. The 
types of buildings are characterized by different hatched pat- 
terns varying in the slope of the hatching line with respect 
to the longer edge of the building. Residential buildings are 
marked by diagonal hatching lines (angle of 45?) whereas 
outbuildings like garages are depicted with parallel hatching 
lines (angle of 90?), see Fig.1. 
residential building outbuilding 
Figure 1: Different Types of Buildings of the DGK5 
However, a robust recognition of these objects is difficult be- 
cause the objects have manifold shapes reaching from simple 
single rectangles to complex building agglomerations in city 
centres. In addition, the hatched patterns can occur in any 
direction and a wide range of spatial extensions, whereas ir- 
regularities often arise. The most common irregularities are 
broken hatching lines because of overlaying of other carto- 
graphic objects, widened cross points at merging areas of 
hatching lines with corners or edges of the building-outlines, 
interrupted lines, varying equidistances of hatching lines and 
Existing approaches of automated map interpretation, e.g. 
(Illert, 1990), (Hori/Okazaki, 1992), (Ablameyko et al., 
1993), (Mayer, 1994), mostly start with a vectorization of 
the entire image content and only as a second step, they 
try to find structures representing map objects. Vectoriza- 
tion at this early processing stage always leads to a loss of 
original information. These problems are caused by steps like 
thinning, distance transformation and skeletonisation. As a 
result, errors in position or topology occur (Klauer, 1993). 
Another disadvantage of this approach is the large amount of 
obtained vector data which is difficult to handle during the 
various processing steps. 
In contrast, this paper describes a new method for hatched 
building recognition using raster based techniques until an 
advanced recognition stage. 
The developed approach suits the following main principles: 
At the beginning hatched patterns only serve as characteristic 
features to locate buildings and separate them from the re- 
maining map objects. For that purpose the spatial extension 
of hatching is recognized in the raster environment. 
In a second step the identified hatched patterns are removed 
so that only the building-outlines remain in form of a raster 
representation. This way the following vectorization process 
only deals with the empty outlines of the buildings. 
The hatching is eliminated because it carries no additional 
information to identify the location of the buildings. Fur- 
thermore, the hatching introduces 'noise' in the vectorization 
process and causes an unnecessary large amount of vector 
For the described recognition task different raster based tech- 
niques are combined. Since mathematical morphology is one 
of the most important ones, the following section gives a brief 
introduction to this method. After that, the developed raster 
based approach is explained and first results are shown. 
Mathematical morphology is the name of a specific collec- 
tion of set theoretic operators defined on an infinite lattice, 
see e.g. (Haralick/Shapiro, 1992). These operators, which 
were first examined systematically by (Matheron, 1975) and 
(Serra, 1982) in the 1960's are an extension of Minkowsky's 
set theory. The operators are especially useful for image ana- 
lysis and image enhancement. They represent an interesting 
alternative to classical linear filter convolutions. In contrast 
to the classical ones, the morphological operators are shape- 
dependent and nonlinear image transforms. They can be de- 
fined in binary or grayscale images for any number of dimen- 
sions. Since the presented work is based on binary images, 
the following explanations are limited to the topic of binary 
mathematical morphology. 
A morphological operator is governed by a small pseudo im- 
age, a so called structuring element. When applied to an 
image, the operator returns a quantitative measure of the 
image's geometrical structure in terms of the structuring el- 
ement. This measure can be used to decompose complex 
shapes into their meaningful parts and separate them from 
their extraneous parts. 
The primary morphological operations are erosion and dila- 
tion. The erosion — as its name already indicates — removes 
pixels from border areas in the foreground region. In contrast, 
the dilation adds pixels to border areas. The extent to which 
the original shapes of the image are changed, depends on the 
shape of the structuring element. The structuring element is 
an operator mask of any shape. Frequently used structuring 
elements are e.g. disk shaped masks. 
The erosion follows the principle: If all pixels of a foreground 
region in the original image I are covered by the structur- 
ing element S, the considered central pixel will be set to 1 
(foreground) in the resulting image. The erosion operation is 
denoted by 1 © S. 
Dilation, denoted by 7 & S, is the morphological opposite of 
erosion: In case the structuring element covers at least one 
pixel of a foreground area in the original image, the actual 
pixel will be set to 1. 
On the base of dilation and erosion the morphological opera- 
tions of opening and closing can be composed. Opening con- 
sists of an erosion followed by a dilation: ToS = (I©S)®S. 
Vice versa closing is a dilation followed by an erosion: IeS = 
(I ® S) o S. Opening mainly leads to smoothing of fringed 
borders and the elimination of small areas. Closing can be 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996

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