Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Germany. It includes 
| property boundaries 
duse type boundaries 
ters and symbols de- 
| Vector Analysis 
e analysis of runlength 
resembles, in this first 
ch, 1991). In this con- 
al image lattice is split 
nal signal vectors (see 
r = (r1, T2,---, rk)" 
lack and white pixels, 
ige Row 
example of Fig.4, for 
columns have to be 
tched patterns to cut 
at purpose a so called 
lenoting the ratio be- 
width of the space be- 
is rotational invariant 
between similar trian- 
lines having the same 
To handle such cases, 
: investigated, whereas 
ould probably lead to 
> elements of the run- 
senting the minimum 
atched pattern, are ex- 
run by run. 
#1... 5-1" (1) 
black pixel runs (2) 
- white pixel runs (3) 
na 1996 
or vice versa. The above described hatching factor reads as 
= bi + ba (4) 
w + w2 
The determination of hatched areas takes into account the 
following conditions: 
|b, + b2| < Tp and [wi + w2| < Tw (5) 
Ty, «h«T, (6) 
with Te, T,, T; and T, being empirically fixed thresholds. 
The latter condition allows little variations within the amount 
of the hatching factor which are caused by non-parallelism, 
non-equidistances and varying linewidths. These rules (5) 
are not valid for areas with a fitting hatching factor but false 
dimensions of black and white runs with respect to hatched 
The resulting images I, and I. of this analysis of the run- 
length encoded image rows and columns (Fig. 6b and 6c) 
show that all hatched areas have roughly been detected. 
Those areas which have not been recognized by the row anal- 
ysis, appear for that in the result of the column analysis. Both 
kinds of hatched patterns have correctly been found and most 
of the other cartographic objects like boundaries and symbols 
have been eliminated. Of course, undesirable small areas of 
disturbances appear and the borders of buildings show ugly 
fringes. The approach fails, if the numbering of the houses 
interrupts the regularity of the hatching lines. For these rea- 
sons further improvement of the approach is required. 
original binary map 
runlength encoding of rows runlength encoding of columns 
subvector analysis subvector analysis 
erosion erosion 
logical OR 
elimination of disturbances 
(opening, dilation) 
foreground growing of blobs 
| iteration 
(closing, opening) 
building areas in raster environment 
Figure 5: Flow Chart of Building Detection Process 
4.2 Elimination of Disturbances 
Aiming at elimination of small disturbances which are mostly 
false classifications due to hatching-like structures, the two 
partial results I, and I. have been eroded with a disk shaped 
structuring element Ss with bounding box of 5 x 5 pixels: 
In = I, O 55 , Ice Ic Ss (7) 
Afterwards the two images I,» and Ic2 have been overlayed 
with a logical 'or' to get all hatched areas into a single image 
I with 
1 = la V Les - (8) 
Fig.6d shows the result. Most of the disturbances are disap- 
peared, but borders of the buildings do not appear in a satis- 
fying quality yet, also the numbers of the houses are missing. 
However, the structure of buildings grouped along the streets 
can already be discerned. An opening with the same disk 
shaped structuring element as described above was applied 
to eliminate remaining small errors and smooth the borders 
of the buildings. 
I =10 5; = (I@ 55) @Ss (9) 
Because the so called 'blobs' denoting the extracted shapes 
of the buildings are still smaller than the original shapes, a 
dilation is carried out: 
IL=1®S:s (10) 
Numbers of houses and borders are still missing, but little 
gaps are closed and the blob shapes correspond better to the 
original shapes of the houses. (see Fig. 6e). 
4.3 Foreground Growing of Blobs 
At that point, the blobs have to be expanded to the outlines 
of the buildings. This is done based on the knowledge that 
buildings have a closed border of black foreground pixels. For 
that purpose the transition from the blobs to the grey back- 
ground is examined using the original image. The analysis is 
carried out in 4 different directions: western, eastern, north- 
ern and southern. Moving from the inner part of the blob 
to its border, the first following pixel of the grey background 
is investigated. If this pixel is black in the original image, 
the blob will be expanded to that pixel. This process is iter- 
ated until the first white pixel in the original image has been 
reached. This way the blobs are growing, but only in regard 
to the black pixels of the original image (see resulting image 
I; in Fig. 6f). 
Most of the borders and even of the numbers of the houses 
can be reconstructed by this method. With respect to the 
numbers it has to be pointed out that it only works if the 
numbers touch a hatching line. Furthermore not all gaps have 
been closed, and the expansion of the blobs also happens in 
undesired areas, such as boundaries. 
4.4 Improvements 
Because the precedent blob expansion only affects the black 
pixels, gaps remain within the blobs. These blobs can easily 
be closed by a closing operation with a slightly larger disk 
shaped structuring element (with bounding box of 7 x 7 
Is = I3 9 S7 = (Is ® S7) © S7 (11) 
Fig. 6g illustrates that almost all gaps are closed. After that 
the disturbing fringes can be eliminated by an opening op- 
eration with a relatively large structuring element (bounding 
box of 13 x 13 pixels): 
Is = 140 815 — (I4 O S13) ® S13 (12) 
The result is to be seen in Fig. 6h. At the current stage 
of the process the shapes of the blobs correspond well to 
the real building shapes. Only one house number has been 
lost. Repeating the foreground growing step up to this point 
yields a slight improvement. Fig. 6i demonstrates the final 
result. Critical areas are hatching-like structures which e.g. 
appear at boundaries between neighbouring but not adjacent 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996

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