Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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Figure 4: Houses in a suburban area: original dense range im- 
age (top), detected houses in the triangular mesh (bottom). 
[120x120 points, sampled at 2 m.] 
From the experimental results described here we demonstrate 
that we could exploit our mesh topographic coarsening to re- 
duce the computational cost of recognizing objects in com- 
plex 3D scenes using generic models based on nearly-planar 
patches. These results show that our triangular meshes, our 
topographic mesh coarsening, together with our generic sym- 
bolic object models, can be successfully used in the problem 
of 3D object recognition from real sensory data. Such data, 
gathered by remote sensing and photogrammetry techniques, 
is typically imperfect. Our approach yields accurate results 
while reducing the recognition complexity. This is possible 
through intelligent data compression and filtering by exploit- 
ing the triangular mesh topographic coarsening. If fast ob- 
ject recognition and identification is desired, the coarsened 
meshes are adequate. Their results can be used to initiate 
objects seeds in higher resolution meshes. For accurate ob- 
ject recognition, the high resolution meshes are used. If more 
accuracy is desired, the obtained results can serve as very 
good initial guesses for techniques using combined range and 
intensity information. It is our future goal to investigate this 
combination for precise 3D model synthesis from sensory data 
and reverse engineering of CAD models. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
# | Patches | Outside Floor C.O.G. 
surface area 
1 51 618.9 409.9 (60.8,110.8,103.3) 
2 59 825.7 512.5 (111.3,64.5,104.1) 
3 57 818.9 511.6 (86.7,103.1,104.7) 
4 76 835.0 514.0 (65.0,137.6,104.7) 
5 47 860.1 535.1 (42.4,176.8,105.2) 
6 78 929.3 596.1 (97.1,164.9,105.1) 
7 80 932.6 634.2 (125.0,180.5,105.0) 
8 90 895.4 590.0 (150.8,198.7,105.0) 
9 85 821.3 534.7 (128.0,220.5,105.1) 
10 77 915.7 604.4 (183.8,217.1,105.1) 
11 63 885.7 588.4 (209.3,179.0,105.3) 
12 58 631.2 436.3 (229.5,141.9,105.4) 
13 98 609.7 400.3 (212.1,101.7,103.6) 
14 91 617.3 415.9 (181.8,83.3,103.7) 
15 165 1510.9 997.7 (149.7,79.7,104.4) 
16 218 1599.0 1065.8 | (183.7,111.2,104.5) 
17 81 533.6 366.2 (218.0,9.1,101.4) 
Table 5: Extracted properties of houses in a suburban area. 
# | Patches | Outside | Floor C.O.G. 
: surface area 
10 83 915.9 603.5 | (183.8,217.1,105.1) 
11 62 884.3 592.1 | (209.3,178.9,105.3) 
Figure 6: Extraction of houses: close-up in the original tri- 
angular mesh (top mesh) and the same detected houses in a 
coarser mesh with 82% less vertices (bottom mesh). 
We presented a technique for the compression of huge sets of 
3D sensory data. Unlike more general brute force data com- 
pression approaches, our technique is specifically concerned 
with the preservation of topographic features of the 3D scenes 
for the particular problem of shape recognition. For this pur- 
pose, we use an irregular triangular mesh representation of 
the scenes. From these, we identify and extract important 
topographic surface features which are preserved in coarser 
meshes representing the same scenes albeit at lower reso- 
lution levels. The topographic coarsening can be repeated 
several times with controlled steps preserving the same fea- 
tures. This method is both more computationally attractive 
and more informed than mesh refinement techniques. It sim- 
plifies the analysis of massive amounts of sensory range data 
that would, otherwise, be difficult to use. 
At any resolution level, the topographic features can be used 
to segment the triangular mesh representing the scene into 
models of . 
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