ıt definition
nage and mo-
ordinate sy-
n invariant
urface as grid
Iso available
nous system
rior orienta-
ecessary, 8-
gorithm, Le-
ider detection
:neral of exi-
tems, 8-point-
tion invariant
. The task at
face is avai-
n via stereo
viously does
s, unless the
he form of a
atic absolute
between the
e model sy-
ne image is
object space
es extracted
vailable, the
iust be mat-
object space
) be integra-
stent results.
3 control in-
iutomate this
netric varia-
tions of the signal, poor contrast between the signal and
the surrounding image content, and the small signal size
in pixel units, 'new concepts for ground control, adapted
to image analysis’ are needed. This conclusion leads to
the question, which requirements control information for
automatic absolute orientation has to fulfil.
In order to be reliably extractable from the imagery
control information should ideally be
- geometrically well defined,
- radiometrically unique,
- visible from various directions,
- well distributed across the imagery,
- independent of image content,
- independent of image scale,
- easy to represent in two and in three dimensions,
- accessible (the object space coordinates of the control
information need to be determined).
Control information which can be (and to some extend
already has been) used for automatic absolute orienta-
tion includes
- image chips showing e.g. road crossings or other signi-
ficant structure,
- complete orthoimages,
- point-like objects such as manhole covers,
- linear objects such as roads, rivers, and the corre-
sponding networks,
- area-type objects such as land parcels, lakes or forests,
- three-dimensional wire frame models of objects, e.g.
The topographic objects used as control information can
come from a GIS or a scanned and vectorized map. In
both cases it must be ensured that the data are up to date
in order to separate the orientation from the revision
problem. If the third dimension is not explicitly available,
it must be provided in form of a DTM. In this context it
should be noted that the DTM itself can also be used as
control information (Ebner, Strunz 1988; Rosenholm,
Torlegárd 1988; Ebner, Ohlhof 1994).
As mentioned, there exists a close connection between
automatic absolute orientation and the more general
topic of image analysis. Automatic absolute orientation,
however, is easier, because the control information is
explicitly given. A generic strategy for automatic absolute
orientation consists of the following steps:
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
- select appropriate control information,
- define the primitives to be extracted, taking into ac-
count the appearance of the control information in the
- design an algorithm for extraction of the primitives,
- match the primitives with the control information,
- compute the orientation parameters according to the
predefined model.
Thus, the task remains very complex. It is argued here
that a general solution for automatic absolute orientation
will not be available in the foreseeable future. Therefore,
approaches tailored to more specific applications should
be investigated in which additional assumptions can be
- The image content restricts the selection of possible
control information. Images of urban scenes contain
many man-made objects consisting of straight lines,
and thus the extraction and matching algorithms can
be based on these features and relations between
them, e.g. distances and angles. However, many occlu-
sions and shadows have to be expected.
- The image scale dictates the representation and to
some extend also the selection of the control informa-
tion. In large scale aerial imagery point-like objects
might be depicted large enough to be reliably detec-
ted. As another example, roads should be detected on
the basis of edges. As the image scale decreases more
generalised representations of the same control infor-
mation must be used, e.g. centre lines for roads. Image
scale also influences the type of transformation. For
example, if satellite imagery is to be geo-referenced, a
two-dimensional solution might suffice to fulfil the
given accuracy requirements.
- Prior knowledge of the orientation parameters is usu-
ally available from a flight plan or direct measure-
ments (see discussion on GPS/INS above). This infor-
mation should be incorporated in any solution to auto-
matic absolute orientation.
4.2.2 Examples for automatic absolute orientation
In this section solutions for automatic absolute orienta-
tion suggested in the literature are presented and discus-
sed. The presentation is ordered according to the list of
possible control information (see above). The intension
is not to give a complete but a representative list.