Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

new tp 
photo n-1 
bundle block a 
Figure 4: Block Adjustment Phase. 
(tp = tie point) 
new tp, 
add. points 
photo n-1 
new tp, 
add. points 
photo 0 
(tp = tie point) 
improved DEM 
Figure 5: DEM Update Phase. 
The concept of Multiple-Patch Matching in the Object Space 
for Aerotriangulation has been implemented on an Intergraph 
workstation. The purpose of this implementation is to check 
the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed ideas. This 
section presents the experiments that were performed and 
discusses the results. 
4.1 Data Sets and Reference Measurements 
Six data-sets were used for the experiments (see Table 1)*. 
Each of the first three data sets, OSU, SWISS-2 and WY 
contains only one stereo model. Using such sets is import- 
ant in order to check the effect of the object space approach, 
without involving multiple-patch matching. The other three 
data-sets, SWISS-3, TEXAS and OEEPE contain areas that 
are covered by more than two images, and therefore multiple- 
patch matching must be employed. Images from all data-sets 
are of relatively large scale. At such a scale, most matching 
procedures face problems because of foreshortening and sur- 
face discontinuities. These problems are less acute with small 
scale images where a solution is obtained more easily. The 
scenes described in the images vary: OSU and SWISS show 
heavily structured urban areas; OEEPE shows rural areas and 
*SWISS-2 is a subset of SWISS-3. When "SWISS" is mentioned, it 
refers to both SWISS-2 and SWISS-3. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Table 1: Image configuration of the data-sets. 
# of # of % Image 
photos strips overlap scale 
OSU 2 1 60 1:4000 
SWISS-2 2 1 60 1:2500 
WY 2 1 60 1:6000 
SWISS-3 3 1 60 1:2500 
TEXAS 6 2 60/25 1:4000 
OEEPE 8 2 60/50 1:4000 
Table 2: Point configuration of the data-sets. 
# of Coverage (images) +00 | Rsd. 
poisse]: 2e La 2 1.4 1. 5.1 6 [um] 
OSU 24 24 | 7 {mlb 2 2 
SWISS-2 24 28.1. ml hadi 3 4 
WY 24 924 | — |.—-1-——1-— 2 3 
SWISS-3 36 25a] il. TT ES 4 7 
TEXAS 68 39. 1.13 1.120 À 3 
OEEPE 109. 1.42 1:122 1 24 15.1 16,1]. 12.4 40 
suburbs; TEXAS shows an air-field (runways, no airplanes or 
vehicles); and WY shows a rural mountain area. 
In order to obtain both reference (a “ground truth”) and 
approximate coordinates, conjugate points were measured 
manually for each of the data-sets. In most cases, the loca- 
tions of the points were selected at the von-Gruber locations. 
Around each location, a few points were measured in order 
to facilitate the detection of incorrect matching results. In 
Table 2, the first column shows the total number of points 
that were measured in each data-set. The next five columns 
show the number of points that appear on 2,3,4,5 and 6 pho- 
tographs, respectively. 
The reference points of the OSU and SWISS data-sets were 
measured on a Zeiss P1 analytical plotter, using the original 
diapositives. For the WY, TEXAS and OEEPE sets, only 
digital images were available. Therefore, measurements were 
performed with an Intergraph softcopy station. The available 
resolution for the images of the OSU, SWISS and WY sets was 
15um, for the TEXAS set-22.5um and for OEEPE-30um. 
Quality and consistency of the measurements were checked 
by a bundle block adjustment. Since no control points were 
involved (as it would be virtually impossible to distinguish 
between matching and control errors), seven parameters of 
the block were fixed. This involved the identification of the 
block coordinate system with the coordinate system of the first 
photograph, and setting the scale of the block system to be 
approximately the scale of the photographs. The results of the 
bundle adjustment are summarized in the last two columns of 
Table 2. The accuracy (co), and the maximum residual for 
each data set are shown. 
As noticed from Table 2, the accuracies of the TEXAS and 
OEEPE data sets are somewhat worse than those of the other 
sets. There are two possible explanations for this. First, 
measuring points across strips without marking them on the 
images is difficult. An attempt was made to measure the 
points across strips as accurately as possible by creating 
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