Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

opposite thesis, it does not require knowledge about 
such parameters and relies instead on invariant 
properties derived directly from the overlapping 
imagery. Potential gain may be expected from analyzing 
these two different theories, establishing their 
relationships, and seeking a hybrid approach which 
maximizes the contribution of each. A hybrid approach 
may lead to improved techniques for object 
reconstruction with rigorous propagation of quality 
measures for a variety of imaging systems. 
3.2 Invariance Applications in IU/CV 
The central theme of CV is to achieve human level 
capability in the extraction of information from imagery 
for such applications as object recognition, navigation, 
and object modeling (Hartley, 1993). By contrast, the 
primary goal of photogrammetry is accurate 
reconstruction of 3D object from overlapping imagery. 
Thus, object model construction is a common goal of 
both IU/CV and photogrammetry, in which invariance 
plays a role. Other IU/CV applications of invariance 
include (Zisserman, 1995); (1) Image and object featurc 
transfer for 2D objects; (2) Model based object 
recognition: given a perspective image of a scene, the 
task of model based vision is to identify which objects if 
any, from the model library, are in the scene; (3) 
Epipolar Geometry: a point in one image determines a 
line in the other on which the corresponding point must 
lie. This reduces the correspondence (matching) 
problem to 1D, rather than 2D search. (Used also 
extensively in photogrammetry); (4) Transfer (image 
transfer for 3D objects): given two images of a 3D 
structure, points in a new image are determined, given 
only a small number of point correspondences. This is 
accomplished without reconstructing the 3D structure, 
nor knowing the camera parameters or motion; (5) 3D 
structure recovery (3D object reconstruction): 
recovering non-euclidean 3D structure given only 
corresponding image points in a stereo pair of views. 
Using control points, the object is reconstructed in 3D 
euclidean space. (Main application in photogrammetry). 
33 Photogrammetric Analysis of Invariance 
Invariance is based on the same mathematical principles 
as photogrammetric theory. Therefore, one would 
expect that invariance techniques would have equivalents 
in photogrammetry. | Such techniques, which we 
analyzed, include point- and line-based image and object 
transfer for 2D planar objects (Barakat, 1994). 
Invariance yields equations of straight lines the 
intersections of which give the positions of the points to 
be transferred. For non-redundant 4-point invariance, 
the sequence of points used yields line pairs of different 
geometric strengths. In redundant cases, using different 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
point sequences to form linear condition equations 
results in least squares estimates which are different for 
both the positions and their quality. Corresponding 
photogrammetric techniques (which implement 
projective transformation between planes) based on 
point and line features, on the other hand, provide 
unique estimates and covariances for both non- 
redundant and redundant cases. A refined least squares 
approach, for which the linear invariance equations 
become non-linear, appears to alleviate the non- 
uniqueness problem. 
Next, point-based image invariance is investigated for 
three-dimensional objects in multiple images; in 
particular the use of the fundamental matrixto transfer 
images from two photographs to a third. Introducing 
the constraint of zero determinant on the fundamental 
matrix stabilizes the solution, which otherwise leads to 
widely varying results. Accurate recovery of F is quite 
critical as will be discussed also in object reconstruction 
in the following section. 
3.4 Object Reconstruction By Invariance 
In the derivation of invariance relationships for image 
transfer, object coordinates are eliminated and the 
image acquisition parameters are usually lumped 
together and replaced by other nonphysically significant 
parameters such as the fundamental matrix. In an 
alternative derivation, algebraic elimination of the 
camera orientation parameters from the equations 
results in invariant coordinates of the object points. 
These coordinates are identical from any two images of 
the object, provided that 5 control points, not any four 
of which lie in a plane, are identified in both images. 
The 3-D object is, then, reconstructed from the 
invariant coordinates using a cross-ratio of determinants 
in a similar approach to the 2-D (planar object) case. 
According to Barrett (Barrett, 1994) the method is 
explained as follows. Two points are selected, e.g. P,, 
and P,, and the line passing through them becomes the 
"spine" of a "pencil" of three planes; P,P,P,, P,P,P,, 
and P P,P, as shown in the figure. For any other 
general object point, P, a fourth plane in this pencil is 
constructed, P, P,P. Then, the cross-ratio of these four 
planes is computed as the first invariant coordinate of 
P; C,(P). The procedure is repeated for two other 
choices of the "spine" of the pencil, e.g, P,P, and 
P,P,. The resulting set of cross-ratios of planes; 
C,(P), C,(P),C;(P) provides invariant properties of the 
three planes in space hinged on the spines P, P,,P,P, 
and P,P,. These three planes intersect at the general 
point P, whose object coordinates are thus calculated. 
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