Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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It is clear that in this case we also have many possible 
combinations and sequences. Results show that the 
uniqueness problem exists here as it does with the 2D 
The original method by Barrett utilizes linear equations, 
avoiding the need for initial approximations, and uses 
the minimum (non-redundant) number of 5 control 
(Basis) points. As in the case of 2D invariance, 
discussed in our previous work (Barakat, 1995), the 
uniqueness problem exists. Different 
combinations/sequences of control (Basis) points lead 
to different results. 
In our modification, a refined least squares technique, 
which allows for iteration on the observables as well as 
on the unknown parameters, was applied to alleviate the 
sequence problem. In addition, the use of redundant 
number of control points is introduced which 
significantly improves the results. Also, in view of our 
previous work the constrained least squares technique 
for the estimation of the fundamental matrix was 
implemented to get more accurate results than the 
original linear estimation of F. 
The improvements in the results due to the modification 
of the original method, are presented and discussed in 
the following section. Because object coordinates are 
involved together with image coordinates, the 
photogrammetric equivalent to this invariance task is in 
general two-photo block triangulation. — Since in 
invariance no information is assumed with regard to the 
sensor, all 18 L.O. and E.O. acquisition parameters must 
be assumed to be unknown. Five control points yield 20 
collinearity equations, and 8 pass points yield 8 
coplanarity equations, thus a redundancy of 10 will exist 
for the equivalent invariance unique case. If the 5 
control points are taken as a subset of the 8 pass points 
a redundancy of 5 still remains. The following sections 
presents comparative results of both approaches. 
3.5 Experimentation and Results 
Extensive experimentation has been performed 
employing the procedure described above for object 
reconstruction using invariance, and comparisons were 
made with the equivalent photogrammetric technique. 
The results of this experimentation are summarized in 
the following cases. 
Case A - Simulated Data Two pairs of photographs, 
one with convergent geometry and the other with 
normal vertical geometry, were simulated such that the 
set of perfect image coordinates were perturbed with 
errors having 0,=0,=0.01mm. Six well distributed 
control points and 16 object check points were used for 
object reconstruction. Table 5 summarizes the rms of 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
dX,dY,dZ for the original and the modified invariance 
and the 2 photo block. It is very clear that the modified 
method results are superior to those of the original 
method especially for the convergent (C) case. In the 
convergent geometry case, the 11 extended relative 
orientation parameters for the two photos (18-7=11) 
are distinct and have significant values. Therefore, 
lumping those 11 parameters into 7 recoverable 
elements of the fundamental matrix affects the solution 
and requires more accurate estimation of the 
fundamental matrix as implemented in the modified 
method. For the normal vertical geometry case, the 
number of well defined camera parameters is smaller 
than that of the convergent case. The 7 independent 
elements of the fundamental matrix can more easily 
recover those camera parameters for this geometry, as 
can be seen in the small amount of improvement 
between the original and the modified methods. It is 
important to note that, as in the case of 2D invariance, 
the control points configuration and the location of the 
check points have significant influence on the quality of 
the results. All subsets of 4 points, out of the total 7 
points (6 control + 1 check), should be checked not 
being close to falling in a plane. The main advantage of 
the invariance technique, besides that no knowledge is 
required for the image acquisition parameters, is that no 
approximations for the ground coordinates of the check 
points are required. 
Case B - Real Data (Purdue Campus Imagery): The 
modified method was applied on a pair of real vertical 
images flown over the Purdue campus, at a scale of 
1:4000. The equivalent photogrammetric technique was 
performed using the same data set. Table 6 lists the 
rms of dX,dY,dZ for 20 check points inside and around 
the border of the control points frame, wheredX, dY,dZ 
are the differences between the estimated coordinates 
and the known measured coordinates. Both invariance 
and photogrammetry worked equally well because of the 
well distributed control points and the location of the 
check points. The most significant conclusion from this 
experiment is the importance and sensitivity of the 
estimation of the fundamental, F, matrix and its effect 
on the success of the invariance method. All subsets of 
7 points out of the total number of points used to 
estimate the F matrix should have different Z values so 
that they are not close to being on a plane. This is even 
more important than having different Z values for the 
control points on the quality of the obtained results. 
Case C - Real Data (Bangor Imagery): The data set is 
described in Case B in section 2.5. Table 7 lists the rms 
of dX,dY,dZ of check points using both modified 
invariance and photogrammetric methods. Six well 
distributed control points were selected along the model 
perimeter (the overlap area of the two photos) with the 
11 check points both inside and on the border defined

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