Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

d 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 
4 2 f2 = 0 1 2 3 4 5 
Figure 4 
Matching procedure can described as follows: 
- Compute the least square match under rigid motion 
transformation between the curves. We use the 
algorithm from (Pirhonen et al.,1994). The algorithm 
there is for 2-D affine case but can be replaced by a 
rigid transformation. 
- For the first curve compute the invariants. These can 
be computed also before matching because they 
remain unchanged under rigid motions. 
- Compute local least squares match between curves. 
By local match we mean no predefined global trans- 
formation is computed between curves. Just the 
coefficients of the first curve are changed so that first 
curve fits to the second curve. Local match needs 
corresponding points. These are selected for example 
by the closest point algorithm (Besl et al., 1992) or by 
curve parameter transformation (Pirhonen et al.,- 
1994) which one we have selected. The curve para- 
meter transformation assumes that curve parametri- 
zation is computed using rigid invariant curve 
parametrization. Curves are usually approximated 
from data points and for this reason the curve 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
parameter transformation can not be very accurate. 
So also combination of these methods might be 
useful, especially because closest point algorithm 
needs an initial value. 
- For the first curve compute the invariants once 
- Rank the differences between invariants computed 
before and after local match. Select some absolute or 
relative criterion that cluster the ranked coefficients 
to two groups. First group includes the coefficients 
where the change in invariant measures have been 
below the criterion. For the final motion computation 
curve points from the first curve can be chosen from 
the support areas of the coefficients that belong to 
the first group. Corresponding points from the second 
curve are selected same way as in local matching 
The algorithm does not handle curve identification 
problem at all. If corresponding curves are not known 
that problem must be solved first. 
Sixteen test cases were generated. In the first basic 
group of 8 cases we added random differences to random 
places of the second curve. Four groups that have 
different number of differences were included, 16%, 25% 
‚35% and 50% of the coefficients of the second curve 
changed. First degree curve and third degree curve cases 
was chosen. The reason for this was that coefficients of 
the first degree curve have smaller support area than 
coefficients of the third degree curve. The rest 8 cases 
random differences were added to constant and consecu- 
tive coefficients. Otherwise these cases was generated 
same way as in the first basic group. Each of the 16 
cases were generated 50 times. The rigid motion under 
these test is 2-D transformation, so it includes two shifts 
and one rotation. 
Results can be seen in figure 5. Each bar graph has 48 
bars. First 16 bars are for x-coordinate shift, second 16 
bars are for y-coordinate shift and rest 16 bars are for 
the rotation angle. Each bar defines how much the mean 
value of the 50 computations deviates from zero. If there 
is no deviation the original rigid transformation is 
recovered exactly. The subgroups that includes four bars 
are: First bar defines deviation just after least squares 
matching. The rest three bars defines deviation after 
final motion computation when features were dot 
product, angle, and product of distances respectively. It 
is noticed that this number of cases and computations 
does not produce purely robust statistical information. 
When 50% of coefficients have differences the method 
does not have any positive effect. In all 16% and 25% 
cases the method have positive effect. From the first 
degree curves the method recovered the original motion 
better than from the third degree curves. That was 
expected because in the first degree curve the invariants 
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