Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

the description and 
of main interest, to 
3, organization and 
e. The paper shows 
use of the data for 
1odel, resulting in a 
ate frame the local 
tity measures and 
nto a unique object 
lapping areas. 
rocess collecting all 
c transformations to 
ich die vollstándige 
on Photogrammetrie 
ar zu bestimmenden 
hreibung ein echt 
wahl, Bestimmung, 
wungen geben den 
rung erlauben. 
den verschiedenen 
S ZzZ(X,Y) Funktion 
stem lassen sich die 
r Punktbestimmung 
ammenfassung der 
Fortlassen oder die 
nerierung sind über 
e radiometrisch zu 
ce is described as a 
Z(X, Y), assuming Z 
nage parallaxes. 
on satisfies many 
3 (eg topographic 
extensions in the X 
nall range forced by 
gy. However, this 
le to volume objects, 
The discrete surface description (digital elevation/object 
models (DEM,DOM)) serves as data base for different 
purposes. Common are graphical/visual reproductions 
(orthophotos, maps, perspective views) or numerical 
analysis. This might be achieved by putting the data into 
specific terrain modelling programs or into geographical 
information systems (GIS). 
However, the use of DOM data within GIS is restricted to 
Z=Z(X,Y) surfaces, because of the planar geometry, 
supported by the today GIS software. As consequence, 
there arise some restrictions in the use of height 
— no z-oriented query within the data possible 
— no height ambiguities allowed (eg as existing at 
— the object has to be a surface above the xy-plane 
To overcome these problems new data models have to 
be develloped. But the change from the todays 2D+1D 
GIS to real 3D GIS is a very demanding way, leading to 
complete new data structures, query and analysis tools. 
One step into the direction of real 3D GIS is to find a way 
for the determination and uniform description of surfaces 
from volume objects as they are found in disciplines like 
architecture, archaeology or industry. 
A contribution to this step will be presented here, resulting 
in the complete description and visualization of the 
surface of a roman bust. 
Several aspects have been considered in order to 
generate the DOM of the volume surface and their 
visualization (cf fig. 6): 
use of common algorithmic tools as far as possible 
use of digital photogrammetric techniques 
provide a homogeneous geometry 
minimize the error propagation 
provide quality measures for the surface data 
make flexible use of the data 
allow different forms of presentation 
$4.4 4 44 4 
The first two and the last aspect are realized using the 
following software packages: 
photo triangulation : BLUH (Jacobsen, 1980) 
image matching ARCOS (Boochs, 1989) 
visualization : IDL (Creaso, 1995) 
The other criterions are met by the following strategy 
— definition of a unique object bounded coordinate 
system for the description of the whole surface 
definition of a circular image configuration 
simultaneous triangulation of all images 
generation of the DOM by combination of all local 
compiled surface models 
— comparision and aggregation of multiply determined 
surface parts 
— development of a data structure allowing the use of 
the available quality measures 
In detail, the workflow for the project looks as shown in 
Flowchart showing steps from data capture up to 
3D object model and products thereof 
planning ot optimal photo recording 
image configuration 
simultaneous triangulation within a E ehe] 
uniform 3D coordinate system Versi 
selection of and transformatiory | compilation of surface models 
into local coordinate systems || by means of image matching 
backtransformation into 
the uniform 3D system 
> data selection 
f volume object | 
aggregation of all 
local surface models 
generation of a data structure 
with full topology and point attributes 
. : try 
raphical presentation |< geome 
lines densities 
i contour lines ) f ortho image ) shaded surface ) 
(perspective grid)| | animation ) (virtual surface model) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Figure 1: Flowchart of the processing steps 
The object. As object for this investigation the marble 
head of a statue of the empress Ariadne (AD 474 - 515) 
has been chosen. The original found in 1888 is kept in 
Rome. For carrying out the work, a copy was put to our 
disposal by the Rómisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum 
The sculpture shows a surface with low contrast and 
noncontinuous areas, with only few discrete points 
immedeatly appearing useful for the photo triangulation. 
Furthermore, problems in lightning have to be considered 
due to the smooth shape of the surface. In opposition to 
other close range applications, the surface was not 
lightned by a texture projector, because the image data 
should be used for visualizations based on the natural 
shape of the sculpture. 
As a close-range-equipment was used, special care has 
to be given to the generation of the photos, because of 
size and geometry of the sculpture, possibly resulting in a 
lack of sharpness within the depth range. 
The facts mentioned have made the work quite difficult, 
what has been accepted in order to demonstrate the 
capability of the method used. 
Image configuration. The whole surface has to be 
covered by stereo images which should be arranged as 
image pairs with parallel camera axis in order to simplify 
manual measurements with an analytical plotter. From 
the viewpoint of the photo triangulation a more dense 
coverage of the object would be useful, what together 
with the choice of an optimal geometry for the intersection 
of corresponding image rays leads to a symmetric 

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