Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

We chose Nikon F-801 as the camera for loading. This 
camera is small-size and the radio-control photography is 
possible. In addition, there are self-timer, auto-winding 
equipment, and function of exposure compensation etc. and 
roll-film is used. About camera lens we attached a 
wide-angle lens of focal length 35mm by considering the 
economical efficiency of photographing area. As the camera 
is non-metric camera, we manufactured fiducial mark plate 
that the cross mark was engraved on plane glass of about 
0.2mm thickness and then attached it just in front of film. 
And, after exacting radial and tangential lens distortion 
coefficients and correcting  PPA(Principal Point of 
Autocollimation), PPS(Principal Point of Symmetry) and focal 
length, we made into semi-metric camera(Oh, 1992). 
We manufactured the airplane for radio-control to be able 
to take off and to land at the object area that the 
geographic information required directly by considering 
stability, formness and convenience of transport. And we 
installed gyro, so that the camera may be maintained 
vertically regardless of the rolling of airplane. We 
manufactured the equipment for minimizing the shake of 
camera by the vibration of airplane engine. And we installed 
the type to get out of attachment as the loading equipment 
of camera. As for the model of radio-control airplane we 
used the airplane of which the wing length is 180cm, the 
body length is 90cm, the engine is 4 cycle, the weight is 
2,800g(state that camera was loaded) as PIPER CUB type 
and the used radio-control equipment is 7-channel(Kang, 
Figure 1. Radio Control airplane 
About the developed R/C system we examined all the 
matters such as the flight stability, the control state of flight 
altitude, and the speed control state of radio-control 
equipment, the balanced nature of airplane, the function of 
rom control of engine, the motion state of servo, the control 
state of camera, and the stability of take-off and landing 
etc. over several times and examined the features such as 
the image sharpness, the image resolution attendant upon 
the exposure degree of film, the shutter speed and the open 
state of f-stop etc. 
As the result, for the optimum flight condition wind 
velocity was below about 5m/sec. And the flight altitude 
that the flight control was possible with naked eye is within 
about 400m. And as for the runway the open land of 
about 5m x20m was necessary. But it was better 
according as it is wide. For the prevention of shake of 
image by flight speed and engine vibration it was desirable 
to photograph by making the speed of camera shutter more 
than 1/500sec and making the open of f-stop of camera to 
considerate the depth of field more than f/11. And in 
accordance with this about the photosensitivity of film it 
was profitable to use ASA 400 slide film. Photography time 
was proper from 10:00 am. and 2:00 p.m. 
So as to examine the accuracy of acquired geographic 
information we photographed by arranging 88 ground object 
points with the lattice type of 30X 30m interval on the 
open land and changing into 5 stages from the flight 
altitude 100~400m. As for fim we used Kodak ASA 400 
slide film. We photographed by trying the manual operation 
in accordance with the exposure state after making the 
shutter speed at the time of photography as 1/500— 
1/2,000sec and by making the value of f-stop as f/11~ 
f/16. So as to extract the conditions such as the photo 
scale attendant upon the scale of demanded geographic 
information and the rate of height of base line(B/H) etc. we 
photographed by changing the endlap into about 50—80% 
at each flight height. 
As for the decision of 3 dimension coordinates of GCPs 
this paper decided the position of one reference point 
installed at the object area which was about 13km away 
from the reference point in the compound of Chungnam 
National University that the location has already been 
decided by GPS measurement with the relative positioning. 
And then about 88 ground object points we observed from 
the reference point of the object area for 2 minutes 
respectively by kinematic GPS. As for the observation data 
we calculated 3 dimension coordinate on the coordinate 
system of WGS84 by treating with SBP and MBP methods 
of Trimvec-Plus software.(Park, 1992) About the calculated 
coordinate we calculated RMSE by using controlling and 
calculating Trimnet-Plus which is the software of network 
control. The calculated RMSE is as is in the table 1. 
Table 1. RMSE of GCPs by GPS(88 points) 
coordinates X Y Z(height) 
10(m) 0.0056 0.0043 0.0121 
About the ground object points we decided the size So 
that the photography may be made with about 0.03mm in 
view of a film photographed at the flight altitude 300m. 
We extracted the exterior orientation parameter of camera 
through the bundle adjustment theory from the GCP in the 
photographed film and the coordinate of fiducial mark. 
About the film photographed with diverse flight height 
and endlap, we calculated the 3 dimension coordinate of 
ground object points and RMSE through the program of 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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