Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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According to the above-mentioned requirements we 
should be able to pinpoint the following types of 
knowledges needs for implementation of ACG 
(Buttrnfield, 1991): 1) structural knowledge; 
2) geometrical knowledge; 3) procedural knowledge; 
4) application requirements. 
The first two types of knowledge can be used during the 
first stage of CG. Here the four types of abstraction of a 
GO into its digital representation are used: classification, 
association, generalization and aggregation 
(Buttrnfield, 1991). All these types of abstraction are well 
described by the OOA. OO multi-detail GO model 
supports such types of relations as generalization 
(inheritance), aggregation (composition) and multiplicity 
of association. Such characteristics can be applied for 
multi-detail representation of a GO at grouping 
(aggregation) of various types; progressive refinement of 
subclasses in the form of hierarchy structures with 
inheritance of characteristics and behavior from a 
superior class; introduction of semantic multiple links 
between objects of the same level. 
Besides, as it is supposed that GO is composed of 
geometrical subjects, such characteristics of the OOA as 
structural OO and encapsulation are of utmost 
importance. Such traits of the OOA support design of 
complex objects and representation thereof or their 
components at various stages of activities. 
The set of GO classes has not been pre-fixed and a user 
shall be able to extend it. And such properties of OOA as 
overloading, polymorphism, behavioral and late binding 
can enable this. 
One of the important traits of OOA for support of multi- 
detail representation of GOs is dynamic binding. This 
characteristic of OOA enables real-time transfer of 
changes performed at base level of the entity model, to 
lower-detail levels that are used as applications. 
At the second stage a symbol model of a GO utilizing 
3rd and 4th knowledges, can be created on the basis of 
the OO model of a geographical model, having such 
traits as inheritance, association, aggregation, 
encapsulation, overloading, polymorphism, etc. Here 
OOSMDM is used for multi-scale analysis of data and 
OO cartography modeling. As a result of analysis of 
OOSMDM a user should be able to get a map of the 
required scale. 
A GO exists in the OOGDB based on the principle of 
OOA identification. This principle means unique 
properties of each object and existence of each object 
apart from its notions. 
During design of a CO of a certain level of details which 
would comply to the prescribed scale, the message 
mechanism of OOA is very important. Thanks to these 
characteristics, a OOA object is able to communicate 
with PC and other objects, and to perform all 
computations needed for its scale representation and 
solving of graphic and semantic conflicts between 
adjacent objects during cartographic visualization. 
The following chapters reflect structural MGIS schemes 
and some of the groups of its classes. The links between 
classes are based on the above OOA principles. This 
overview of MGIS classes is illustrated by the following 
notions — generalization, «—» aggregation, 
— association (one to one) —> association (one 
to many) (Rumbaugh, 1991). 
The MGIS Spatial objects can be divided into abstract 
and conceptual ones. This is application approach to the 
classification of object's classes. 
A geographic object is simulated in MGIS with the aid of 
spatial objects of five hierarchical classes: 
- inneror elementary geometric objects; 
- Simple geometric objects; 
- complex geometric objects; 
- digital models of geographic objects (GO); 
- cartographic objects. 
The spatial objects of the first three classes belong to 
abstract spatial objects, but acc. to their type, they 
belong to concrete ones. The digital and cartographic 
model of a geographic object is formed of the spatial 
objects of the geometric classes. 
Each object at a basic level is formed of two essences: 
records and relations, the above-mentioned level being 
no object-oriented level but, as a matter of fact, a 
semantic network. 
A record can have an arbitrary structure; in such a case 
the DBMS has no idea about its content. The record can 
change its dimensions. Anything can be stored in it, 
including executed code, generalized line-tree 
(Jones, 1991, van Oosterom,1995), R-tree, etc. To gain 
access to the record, methods - procedures are available 
(e.g. methods of implementing generalization 
techniques, determination of generalization conflicts, 
plotting of implicit Delaunay pyramid, etc.). 
Record are joined by relations. A relation indicates two 
records, and is characterized by a direction and type. 
Each record has references to all its relations. Each 
relation has a unique identifier. A type of relation also 
represents a record. The latter can be modified, too. A 
type controls records belonging to it. 
A special record - procedure contains a set of operations 
for a definite type. It is connected with this type by a 
relation of a respective kind. While dealing with a record 
belonging to a definite type the respective procedure is 
recalled from the set of operations. The procedure works 
at the contents of the records. 
Inheritance is realized through types and relations. One 
type is related to another in a hereditary way. The 
system recalls operations: first for the derivative type, 
then for the basic one. Inheritance can be plural. 
The indexing of records is carried out by inserting a 
special index record-type ensuring fast execution of an 
The object can belong to several types, and change a 
type. It must not necessarily belong to a definite type. 
The conceptual data model is formed of abstract and 
concrete objects and methods (permissible operations 
with objects), and is object-oriented. Conceptual objects 
are realized by writing the respective set of procedures 
processing inquiries to records of the given type (e.g. 
“inquiry about the value of the field or as to the possibility 
of changing the value of the field). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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