Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

understand. Nevertheless some progress reported 
earlier has pointed to the possibility of at least semi- 
automated processes reaching the production arena. 
First, | will very briefly discuss the current state of 
development of digital map revision at the Ordnance 
Survey of Great Britain (OS), arguably the most 
experienced organisation in this field worldwide. For 
large areas of change on the ground, the analytical 
plotter with superimposition of both the corrected aerial 
image and the edit menu for the integral workstation has 
provided the most cost-effective revision method. For 
smaller areas of change, OS continued to use a mixture 
of appropriate field methods, often assisted by aerial 
photography. Changes in the management of revision 
at OS, towards extremely rapid database update for 
change on the ground judged to be of first importance to 
users, and a more frequent cycle of revision for all 
change (or to confirm the absence of change), have 
been even more important than technical developments 
over the past four years. However current technical 
developments do include both softcopy photogrammetric 
revision using digital orthophotos in the office, and a 
handheld pen computer (without any photographic 
assistance) replacing graphic processes in the field. 
Both of these have the potential to shift the economic 
balance between photogrammetric and field activity, 
thereby also affecting the management of revision. 
(Newby, 1994, Vincent & Logan, 1995 and Greenway, 
1994). The pen computer could perhaps also ultimately 
incorporate a digital image backdrop, thus placing a 
digital photogrammetric workstation in the hands of the 
field surveyor and blurring historic distinctions between 
field and photogrammetric surveys. 
A notable collaborative project by OEEPE, a regional 
member of ISPRS, during this period, was entitled 
‘Updating of complex digital topographic databases”. 
This was headed by the Ordnance Survey of Northern 
Ireland (OSNI) but involved the participation of up to 
eight European nations at various stages. The project 
report (Gray (editor), 1995) shows that participants made 
some collaborative progress, while confirming the need 
for individual local approaches integrated within existing 
data structures. The project also emphasised the 
retention of historic data, whether through the treatment 
of time as a fourth dimension in databases or by 
accumulating “change only” data, rather than retaining 
only the current version of reality on the ground. 
Moving now to the quest for automation, one of the less 
demanding tasks in image understanding is to recognise 
and follow linear features such as roads. Successful 
demonstrations have been given using both SPOT and 
aerial image data. (See for example de Gunst and 
Lemmens, 1991, Solberg, 1992, Sakoda, 1993, Plietker, 
1994 and Peled, 1994). Comparison of a new image 
with the old network allows the latter to be updated. 
Peled outlined a plausible scenario for future progress, 
beginning with a semi-automatic process of subtraction 
of old and new images followed by noise removal, to 
supply the human reviser with candidate areas for his 
attention. Next, in what he calls “GIS-driven updating”, 
the above process would provide the trigger for 
automated recognition of new detail and its extraction in 
a hierarchy of themes. Finally, autonomous rule-based 
Al systems may largely take over from the human 
operator. As in most aspects of image understanding, it 
seems unlikely that any one algorithmic approach will 
yield the required results, but that a combination of 
approaches, mimicking the human's intuitive combined 
tactics, may eventually be successful. Similar efforts 
have been reported in the detection and extraction of 
buildings, notably in our own Commission proceedings 
by Murakami and Welch (1992) as well as by Fórstner, 
McKeown and others. 
Thus far | have not distinguished explicitly between two 
and three dimensional databases; we may assume that 
our map is an attempt at a model of a three-dimensional 
world although until recently most GIS developers have 
preferred to treat it as two-dimensional. Certainly the 
topological structure becomes very much more complex 
if the third dimension is allowed to  intrude. 
Theoreticians as well as practitioners have now started to 
wrestle with the question of whether time ought to be 
treated as a fourth dimension in a GIS or whether update 
merely generates a succession of states of the database 
(which may or may not be stored for posterity). In my 
opinion we should retain the latter view. This makes it 
easier for us to consider practical matters such as 
change on the ground which has not yet reached the 
database, change in the database as a result of improved 
data without any corresponding change on the ground, 
and the requirements of users in terms of supply of 
complete new versions of the database after update or 
merely replacement of updated features within the 
database. As data structures become more rigorous 
and complex, these matters pose formidable problems of 
data integrity for both supplier and customer. They are 
necessarily addressed in practice by national mapping 
organisations, but have also received theoretical 
attention from researchers such as Kemppainen (1994). 
Map and database revision as practised today makes 
intensive use of analytical photogrammetry as well as 
appropriate non-photogrammetric methods. Digital or 
softcopy tools are starting to be used and will 
undoubtedly be adopted increasingly in future. However 
they must compete effectively on cost grounds in 
satisfying user needs, while being tailored to interact 
with existing database structures and practices, for this is 
the essence of revision as opposed to original survey. lt 
is not just the storage but also the manipulation and 
transmission of the huge volumes of data entailed in 
digital images which will demand careful attention. The 
question of mono- versus stereo-viewing is an important 
issue today but in this author's opinion stereoscopy is a 
special advantage of photogrammetry which will not 
lightly be given up, at least until developments in data 
handling and transfer allow the field surveyor to hold a 
(monocular) DPWS in his hand, on site. 
Database revision has now become a respectable 
discipline within the ISPRS commission structure. 
Technical and management aspects rank equally as 
worthwhile subjects for discussion. There has been 
perceptible and promising progress towards the long- 
term goals of automated change detection and feature 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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