Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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7,4 Automatic extraction of lahar boundaries 
Using software developed by Jean-François 
Parrot at the Laboratoire de  Geologie- 
Geomorphologie Structurale et — Teledetection, 
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France, a 
test area was selected along the Bucao River on the 
northwest portion of the study area to extract the 
limits of the lahar-affected portions of the river. With 
the first version of the software, the July and August 
images are filtered, then ratioed. This ratio image is 
smoothed again using a 3x3 filter. A threshold is 
then applied to this last image which results in the 
automatic segmentation of the image into percentages 
of the total number of pixels. An iterative filter is 
then applied to the image to smooth the shapes and 
enhance the edge-connected pixels and delineate the 
limits of the lahar (Figure 7). 
75 Mapping ancient and recent lahar 
This exercise aimed to outline the lahar flow 
limits and discriminate between ancient and active 
lahar by means of the color scheme table shown 
July Image 
Lahar Coarse Thin 
August Coarse Light Red 
Image Thin Green Dark 
The above table was prepared for the study 
area along the Bucao River using the July and August 
1993 images. This exercise assumes that there is no 
significant spatial distortion of the two images such 
that these can be matched on a pixel-by-pixel basis. 
The differences in backscatter values between the two 
images were calculated on a pixel by pixel basis. A 
large negative difference meant that a few pixels in 
the July image (corresponding to dry fine ancient 
lahar with low backscatter values) was subtracted by a 
large number of pixels in the August image 
(corresponding to thin active lahar with high 
backscatter value). This meant that thin active lahar 
was flowing over dry ancient lahar. This pixel, 
indicating active lahar, will appear dark in the 
difference image and blue in the multitemporal color 
A large positive difference meant that a large 
number of pixels in the July image (corresponding to 
dry coarse ancient lahar with high backscatter value) 
Was subtracted by a few pixels in the August image 
(corresponding to dry fine ancient lahar with low 
backscatter value). This meant that coarse ancient 
lahar was flowing over thin ancient lahar. This pixel, 
indicating ancient lahar, will appear bright in tone in 
the difference image and red in the multitemporal 
color composite. 
A small difference, or a difference close to 
zero, meant the subtraction of large numbers of pixels 
in both images (dry coarse ancient lahar with high 
backscatter values in the July image and thin active 
lahar with high backscatter values in the August 
image). It could also mean the subtraction of a few 
pixels in both images (dry fine ancient lahar with low 
backscatter values in both July and August images). 
This meant that thin ancient lahar was flowing over 
another layer of thin ancient lahar. This pixel, 
indicating thin ancient lahar, will appear grayish in 
the difference image and dark in the multitemporal 
color composite. 
7.6 Radarclinometry 
Using the backscatter values of a single 
ERS-1 SAR image, slope values are determined and 
contours are generated using software presently being 
refined by Jean-Francois Parrot at the Universite 
Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France. A contour 
map of the crater of Mount Pinatubo derived through 
this process has been produced. The results of this 
work will be presented in a separate paper. 
7.7 Merged ERS-1 and Landsat TM Data Sets 
The July 1993 ERS-1 SAR data and the 
Landsat TM 1993 bands 432/RGB data were merged. 
The image was produced using the surface modelling 
routine of the Earth Science Image Processing 
Package (ESIPP) developed by G. Taylor and L. Balia 
of the University of New South Wales. This 
algorithm uses radar data as a pseudo-topographic 
surface and the Landsat TM bands apply color to this 
surface. This technique allows for true integration of 
the two data sets (Taylor, 1993). 
The merged image shows vegetation in red 
tones, lahar deposits, mined areas and scarce- 
vegetation areas (bare soil and exposed rock surfaces) 
in various shades of green, water areas in black and 
built-up areas in white. The colors emanate from the 
Landsat TM, while the strong white tone of the built- 
up areas is contributed by the ERS-1 radar 
backscatter. Areas of high relief are strongly 
enhanced by the radar information; however, the 
mountainous portions of the merged image have high 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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