Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Economic Development

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pretation and remote sensing while the second part is devoted to specialised applications, The 
ratio between theory and practical is about 1 : 1. As in the case with all other courses at 
RECTAS, this course is incomplete without a field trip. At the end of the course, students are 
expected to have acquired the capability of derivi i 
from aerial photography and satellite imagery for 
! d economic development, This course was 
introduced in 1985 and we have produced only 4 gra 
duates so far. 
Two of the objectives of the Centre as clearly stated in section l are to provide Consultan- 
Cy Services as well as to prosecute research and studies in the field of Aerial Surveys. In pur- 
suance of these objectives, the Governing Council gave approval to set up a Consultancy 
Service and Research Unit. 
It is the view of RECTAS that Consultancy is a short-term and immediate solution to 
shortage of man-power in Africa, while formal training is the ultimate solution. Both approa- 
ches comp lement each other at RECTAS in our attempt to provide a lasting solution to the 
problem of man-power development in Africa. We have provided advisory services to some 
member-states upon request particularly in the area of setting up a Photogrammetric Unit in 
their Survey Departments. We have recently produced mosaics of four towns in Imo State of 
Nigeria and we are currently working on the topographic mapping project involving the four 
towns at a scale of 1/10,000. Our Consultancy Services Unit also provides the right exposure 
to both staff and students in terms of solving practical down-to-earth problems as compared 
to laboratory (sometimes idealistic) problems. Consu Itancy problems which defy immediate 
or routine solution sometimes provide a basis for research. 
RECTAS staff have participated in some research efforts — the most notable being the 
large format camera research project. RECTAS has also made significant contributions to 
research efforts of Commission VI Working Groups of the ISPRS. We are currently working 
on the relative efficiency of five methods of Analytical Relative Orientation which will be 
suitable for on line Photogrammetric system. 
The man-power complement in Photogrammetry or in any profession may be divided into 
three components — Practitioners, Teachers and Researchers. It is through the mutual interac- 
tion of these three groups that a profession can have a proper growth and development. At 
RECTAS, our teachers have been primarily devoted to the responsibility of training and pro- 
ducing practitioners and research assistants. Some of our staff have taken advantage of our 
training programme to acquire high academic or professional qualifications with attendant 
benefit in their improved teaching and research capability. One of our sponsored academic 
staff is currently pursuing his M.Sc. (Photogrammetry) degree at Laval University while 
another is being trained in Nairobi as a Photogrammetric Instrument maintenance officer. 
Another means of achieving staff training is by way of Sponsoring staff to local and inter- 
national conferences and seminars. Since 1976 RECTAS has been represented in all of 
major ISPRS conferences and symposia. We have also participated in all major local surve- 
Ying and mapping conferences and seminars. 
RECTAS is also involved with the staff training of other su rveying and mapping organisa- 
tions by conducting conferences and workshops for the staff of these organisations. In 1982, 
RECTAS sponsored the ISPRS Working Group VI/8 on "Photogrammetry and Remote Sen- 
sing Education in Africa" and also organised the international seminar on the “Impact of 
Survey ing and Mapping on Development '. We have also conducted specialised training‘fèr the 
staff of Population Bureau in Nigeria on the "Application of Aerial Photography to Popula- 
tion Census". We are currently considering a request from the Division of Agricultural resour- 
ces for special training workshop on Remote Sensing applications. x 

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