Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Economic Development

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There are three levels of training in Photogrammetry at RECTAS: operator, technician 
and technologist levels, (see Table 1 for details). 
The operator s course in photogramroetry at RECTAS may be characterised as sub-techni- 
cian type of training in which very little of theory is taught and practical work is most inten- 
sive within a ten month period. This course consists of some broad treatment of backgrouud 
subfects such as mathematics, optics, map reading, cartography and basic land surveying. The 
photogrammetric subjects cover elements of photogrammetry, orientation, photogrammetric 
instruments, rectification, aerial photography and triangulation methods, The emphasis for 
this type of training is on how to manipulate photogrammetric instruments to perform all 
the essential analogue operations leading to compilation of map manuscripts. The ratio bet- 
ween theory and practical is 20:80 (Table 2). This implies that 80 per cent of the training 
period is on practical work. RECTAS has produced 42 holders of the operator's certificate 
to date. 
This course is as old as RECTAS and it is by far the most popular in Africa, judging from 
our graduation figures in Table 1. The technician's course covers the contents of the opera- 
tors course and in addition offers more indepth study of mathematics, phototriangu lations, 
analogue instruments and orthophotography (see(1) for detail syllabus). The Photogramme- 
tric technician is trained to follow a set of routine operations with a very rare sense of initia- 
tive. The emphasis in his training at RECTAS therefore is on what to do and how to do it. 
The technician spends more time on theory more than the operator. The ratio 40:60 in Table 
2 implies that 40 percent of the time is spent on theory and 60 percent on practicals. So far 
we have graduated 223 holders of Photogrammetric technician since the inception cf the 
This is a relatively new course which was established in February 1985. A photogramme- 
tric technologist is one trained tc apply well established techniques which are commonly 
understood by the professional in solving a photogrammetric task with some in-depth know- 
ledge of the theory behind these techniques to prepare him for the supervisory role in a 
photogrammetry organisation. In his training at RECTAS therefore, attempt is made to steer 
a middle course between what to do, how to do it and why it is being done? The technologist 
can be regarded as a middle level manpower in photogrammetry. At RECTAS the ratio bet- 
ween the time spent by the technologist on theory and practical is about 70 : 30 based on the 
assumption that all the course contents and practicals of the technician's course have been 
covered. The Technologist at RECTAS takes more courses in mathematics in addition to new 
photogrammetry, flight planning and photogrammetric project organisation. 
Although we have just turned out our first set of students in the technoiogist course our 
admission figures for 1985/86 and request for 1986/87 indicate that the course is becoming 
quite popular with African countries; 
The objective of this course is to train holders of technician's dislomas in geolocv, forzs 
try, agriculture, geography etc. how to apply photointerpretation and remote sensing t£*«e* 
ques to their various disciplines. These technicians will be made aware of the use cf cer i 
photooraphys and other remote sensing imageries in carrying out inventory, planning and "i. - 
nagement of natural resources. The course is divided into two parts each of three mortes 
duration. In the first part, students learn the general principles and applications o! p noct? = 
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