Full text: Geoinformation for practice

2.1 Verification of existing data 
For verification of existing data six Croatian private companies 
delivered a part of data from dataset that were the object for 
comparison with Croatian Topographic Information System 
(CROTIS) data model. Another objective was how to bring the 
existing data up to new Specification. The task was to 
determinate differences between datasets and existing 
specification. It resulted in the the report about the existing data 
based on examples of six companies. Findings were divided on: 
- Global remarks to existing specification (or 
incomplete specification) 
- A. Global remarks to all companies 
- . Specific remarks for a single company. 
2.2 Data upgrade specification 
Data upgrade specification describes: 
- Content of specification 
- Terminology used in specification 
- Deliverables 
- Specification for geometry and topology 
- Specification for topographic data 
- . DTM specification. 
According to this Specification companies have upgraded the 
Data. The main activity in pre qualification process was 
changing attributes and topological cleaning the data. Such 
prepared data will be ready for input into database. 
The integral parts of specifications are: 
- . Object selection criteria 
- Mapping catalogue 
- Library of symbols 
- A Quality elements. 
In the specification, there is also the terminology described that 
is partly based on Simple Feature Specification by Open GIS 
According to specification, the contractors should deliver final 
production report and the dataset. Final production report 
contains Production metadata and other information, 
Descriptions of topology processing procedures and 
Descriptions of quality control procedures for important 
processes. Dataset to be delivered is Topographic vector data 
in 2D and Digital terrain model (DTM) vector data in 3D. All 
data should be delivered in ,dgn” format (Microstation). 
Coordinate system of dataset, file names ad media are described 
too. Specification for geometry and topology describes that 
delivered data should contain only line string and point 
geometries. Data topology describes that polygons are not 
allowed but polygons should be automatically generated from 
the data. The same rule with requirements for topology is 
described. Specification of topographic data describes groups 
of feature classes and representation in ,dgn” files. 
Representation of feature classes is described in ,Mapping 
catalogue” and selection criteria in ,Selection criteria” for data 
capture. Distribution of feature classes is divided by groups, 
levels and files. The specification also describes which feature 
classes and in what way they should be represented. There are 
following feature classes: Toponyms, Buildings, Utility, 
Transportation and elevated features, Vegetation, Hydrographic 
and digitized feature. DTM Data Specification contains Digital 
Terrain model and DTM data processing procedures. DTM 
features are spot heights, mass points, break lines, form lines 
and areas of unreliable DTM. In DTM data processing 
procedures are data preparation, data vectorization, data editing, 
data specification, quality control and delivery formats. 
2.3 Data upgrade quality control 
State Geodetic Administration (SGA) contracted data upgrade 
for six map sheets of Topographic map in scale of 1:25000 
(TK25) with six geodetic companies. They upgraded existing 
dataset according to Data Upgrade Specification and Mapping 
Catalogue. Before starting the job consultant team of CRONO 
GIP made training for geodetic companies. Companies 
delivered upgraded data with technical reports. 
CGI, in coordination with CRONO GIP Team, made a strategy 
for quality control. The Strategy contained: 
- A Quality Plan 
- A Quality methods with realization 
- A Results of control 
- Reports. 
2.3.1 Quality Plan 
Quality Plan defines requirements for quality control of 
upgraded data and Quality Management System. Quality 
system in this Quality Plan covered Product of Topographic 
Data. Quality Plan covered following steps: 
- Control of deliverables 
- . Control according sources 
- Control of structure of data 
- Control of topology 
- . Control of DTM dataset. 
Geodetic companies delivered mainly the following files: 
- YYYY-MM-DD-<Contractor[D>-<MapNumber>-BUILDINGS.dgn 
- YYYY-MM-DD-<ContractorID>-<MapNumber>-UTILITY .dgn 
- YYYY-MM-DD-<ContractorID>-<MapNumber>- 
- YYYY-MM-DD-<ContractorID>-<MapNumber>-DIGITISED.dgn 
- YYYY-MM-DD-<ContractorID>-<MapNumber>-TOPONYMS 
- YYYY-MM-DD-<ContractorID>-DTM.dgn 
- YYYY-MM-DD-<ContractorID>-DEM-GRID.dgn 
- YYYY-MM-DD-<ContractorID>-REPORT.pdf, 
where YYYY-MM-DD is date of deliverry, ContractorID 
represent name of company, MapNumber represent map 
number and at the end content of files with file format. 
Examples of topographic data and DTM data are shown on 
Figure 1 and Figure 2: 
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Figure 1: Example of topographic data 
Data 1 
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