Full text: Geoinformation for practice

ata upgrade 
of 1:25000 
led existing 
nd Mapping 
le a strategy 
control of 
m. Quality 
resent map 
file format. 
> shown on 
Figure 2: Example of DTM data 
Sources which are used for control were Data inventory report, 
Data upgrade specification and Mapping catalogue. For the 
control of toponyms there were aslo the old maps of TK25 
used. Data structure control included was done acoording to 
mapping catalogue which describes level, color, line style and 
weight for linear objects, cell name for point elements and 
representation point (text) for areal objects. 
Control of topology included checking closing areas, duplicate 
lines and boundaries, open boundaries, number of 
representation points in areas, missing representation points in 
areas, detecting unused boundaries, etc. 
Control of DTM included also checking of structure elements in 
files and deriving DEM from delivered elements and detecting 
of possible errors. 
2.3.2 Quality methods 
There are two methods for quality control: 
- Visual control with Microstation and SCOP 
- Automatic control of data structure and topology 
(using FME). 
Microstation was used for visual control of data. There was a 
system to control elements, which were wrongly represented 
before data upgrade process. Mostly, bridges were wrongly 
represented, roads were without center lines, waters were not 
represented under bridges (Figure 3) and culverts, creating 
centerlines were also not enough precise (Figure 4). 
Figure 3: Water line not represented under bridges 
Figure 4: Unprecise creating of road centerlines 
Visual control of DTM was done with the help of derived shade 
(tiff format) and DEM (dgn format) as shown on Figure 5. 
Some questionable parts on raster file are checked. 
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Figure 5: Visual control of DTM 
Automated quality control was done with FME (Feature 
Manipulation Engine) software. Partly based on FME training 
and partly with help of CRONO GIP consultants in CGI the 
FME factory files were used for checking the structure of 
datasets and for checking topology. The inputs for control of 
dataset structure were all legal levels, colors, line styles and 
weights for linear elements, for point elements input there was 
a list of symbol (crotis.cel file) and for area elements a list of 
codes (representation points). FME detected all open 
boundaries, unused boundaries (which are not necessary for 
creating area topology), missing classifications points (text 
codes), duplicate classifications points, overlapping lines and 
boundaries, self intersected lines and boundaries. 
2.3.3 Results of control 
After the control, the results were divided to: 
- . Comments connected to undefined specification 
- Comments connected to misinterpretation of 
- Comments to topological processing. 
In the process of quality control CGI detected some cases which 
are not enough described or are not described in Specification. 
Typical example of that case is joining of road center lines. 
There was no rule for joining narrow paths with road center 
lines which are very important for creating road network 
topology (Figure 6). 

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