Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

(see Colour plate 3) 
me A111 Continuous and dense residental areas 
um A112 Continuous residental areas of moderate density 
ma A113 Discontinuous residential areas of moderate densit 
== A115 Collective residental areas 
A120 Local authorities and services 
: A203 Commercial and financial activities 
-» A321 Road transport 
zs A322 Railway networks 
mm A423 Waste land through human activities 
„. A501 Cultural sites 
ss A502 Sport facilities 
me AB03 Green or leisure areas 
== F201 Water coutses and bodies of water 
Town planning districts in 
Budapest-Zugló Land Use interpretation 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 85 

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